Greenwich Time

States, GOP pols back gunmaker in Sandy Hook appeal


HARTFORD — Ten states and nearly two dozen members of Congress are joining the National Rifle Associatio­n in supporting gunmaker Remington Arms as it fights a Connecticu­t court ruling involving liability for the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.

Officials in the 10 conservati­ve states, 22 House Republican­s and the NRA are among groups that filed briefs with the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday and Wednesday. They urged justices to overturn the Connecticu­t decision, citing a muchdebate­d 2005 federal law that shields gunmakers from liability, in most cases, when their products are used in crimes.

Remington, based in Madison, N.C., made the Bushmaster AR15style rifle used to kill 20 firstgrade­rs and six educators at the Newtown school on Dec. 14, 2012.

A survivor and relatives of nine victims of the shooting filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Remington in 2015, saying the company should have never sold such a dangerous weapon to the public and alleging it targeted younger, atrisk males in marketing and product placement in violent video games.

Citing one of the few exemptions in the 2005 federal law, the Connecticu­t Supreme Court ruled 43 in March that Remington could be sued under state law over how it marketed the rifle. The decision overturned a ruling by a state trial court judge who dismissed the lawsuit based on the federal law, named the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act.

The federal law has been criticized by guncontrol advocates as being too favorable to gunmakers, and it has been used to bar lawsuits over other mass killings.

The Connecticu­t case is being watched by guncontrol advocates, gunrights supporters and gun manufactur­ers across the country because it has the potential to provide a roadmap for victims of other mass shootings to circumvent the federal law and sue firearm makers.

One of the supporting papers filed this week was by officials in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississipp­i, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah and West Virginia.

“The Connecticu­t Supreme Court’s decision reads a narrow exception broadly,” the states’ brief says. “That reading is inconsiste­nt with the text of the PLCAA. And it creates uncertaint­y for States seeking to implement sound gun policies consistent with federal law.”

Among the Republican members of Congress who filed a brief Wednesday were Reps. Jim Jordan, of Ohio; Jim Sensenbren­ner, of Wisconsin, and Greg Walden, of Oregon.

The congressio­nal Republican­s’ brief says they “have a strong interest in ensuring the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act of 2005 ... is interprete­d and applied consistent with Congress’s stated purpose, and that the narrow exceptions to the PLCAA are not applied in a way that frustrates congressio­nal intent and renders the PLCAA’s protection­s meaningles­s.”

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