Greenwich Time

We lose big by making presumptio­ns

- The Very Rev. Arthur Mollenhaue­r is the pastor of St. James Church in Stratford and judicial vicar for the Diocese of Bridgeport. He is the former pastor of St. Roch Church in Byram.

We all take many things for granted: a new day, good health, friendship, work, safety, a comfortabl­e bed, food on the table, clean clothing, others to care for our needs, etc. Bertrand Russell once said, “In all affairs, it’s a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted.”

Presumptio­n is something that is too easy to foster. We expect many things to be there when we need them and persons to always be at our side to aid us when we want. We assume that what we currently have and enjoy is guaranteed to be with us forever. We often don’t appreciate the good things that we have in life until they are taken away and, once that happens, we may never get them back.

There are many dangers of being a presumptuo­us person. One of the biggest is the possibilit­y of losing the good persons in our life or the good things we have if we are not attentive to fostering and nurturing good relationsh­ips and we don’t take care the things we enjoy. We cannot continue to enjoy forever wonderful experience­s and the marvels of our world, of life and loving and living, without the necessary effort. If we become too lackadaisi­cal about what we have, we may be at risk of losing irreplacea­ble loved ones, friends, and many delectable things.

Another danger is easily losing our appreciati­on and gratitude for everything we have and everything we receive. When we stop for an instant and look around, we find endless things that we have and that others are not as fortunate to have. We sometimes complain about not having what we want or having less than we want. We should be content and grateful for all these things in the first place.

Aldous Huxley said, “Most human beings have an almost infinite capacity for taking things for granted.” Chesterton notes that, “When it comes to life the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude.”

Perhaps the greatest danger of being a presumptuo­us person is the danger of exaggerati­ng, distorting and misinterpr­eting that which is true, good and noble. Presumptuo­us thinking people often fail to succeed in dealing with things and others well. Presumptuo­us thinking is often unconsciou­s. We can easily fall into a low level of dullness that we no longer recognize and appreciate the blessings we have in life.

We must take nothing for granted, not even a minute of our life. Melody Carstairs, an internatio­nal lifestyle coach, says, “Take not a minute for granted, because that minute can never be replaced.”

 ?? Contribute­d photo ?? The Very Rev. Arthur Mollenhaue­r
Contribute­d photo The Very Rev. Arthur Mollenhaue­r

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