Greenwich Time


- Frank Stewart

It’s a mystery how we ever did without cellphones — and a greater mystery how we are coping without all the stuff that has yet to be invented. Defenders can get along without gadgets, but they do need to stay focused.

Today’s North-South bid routinely to 3NT. North correctly suppressed his diamond suit and bid the nine-trick game.

West judged that a majorsuit opening lead was unlikely to generate five defensive tricks. Hoping to find East’s long suit, West tried the ten of clubs. That lead was inspired, but when dummy played low, East won with the queen.

East then shifted to a spade. South won, forced out the ace of diamonds and lost only to the ace of clubs. Making four.

West’s lead deserved better. Since the lead marks South with the jack of clubs — hence a sure stopper — East must signal with the eight on the first club to keep communicat­ion. Then, when West takes the ace of diamonds, he leads his last club, and East takes four clubs for down one. DAILY QUESTION You hold: S A K J H A K 7 D J 8 6 5 C J 9 2. With only your side vulnerable, the dealer, at your right, opens three hearts. What do you say?

ANSWER: Curses! You were about to open with a comfortabl­e 1NT, and your opponent’s preempt has cut away your bidding space and forces you to guess. Many experts would risk 3NT: If your partner has his fair share of the missing points, you will have a chance. At the risk of being branded a coward, I would pass and accept a plus score.

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