Greenwich Time

State residents split on $100 mask fine

- By Leah Brennan

Linda Decker has not yet worn a mask during the COVID-19 pandemic and she says she’s not going to start now even with Gov. Ned Lamont’s new fines.

Decker said she spent the entire summer camping with others who also didn’t wear masks.

“I feel that we should let our immune systems be. I’ve been at summer camp all summer with seasonal people, over 100 sites,” she said. “None of us have worn a mask yet. We have not had one bit of COVID at our camp. I don’t feel that we need to continue this if we don’t have the numbers. I believe that this has gone on long and far enough that it’s time to wake up.”

Lamont announced this week a series of fines — not wearing a mask could result in a $100 fine, attending an event with too many people could cost you $250 and hosting an overpopula­ted event could mean a $500 penalty.

Decker, who lives upstate in the East Canaan section of North Canaan where there have only been a total of 11 coronaviru­s cases, said she’s waiting to see what happens when she goes into local stores.

If she gets a fine, though, she doesn’t plan on paying it. about the fines. Some feel they are a tool to ensure safety measures are followed in their communitie­s, while others say they violate their personal liberties.

Kelly Conrad, a Wallingfor­d resident, supports the fines. She said when people know there are consequenc­es for an action, they’re more likely to think before they act.

“We don’t want to be responsibl­e for an outbreak,” she said.

Stamford’st Jessica Kanczura agreed there’s a benefit to encouragin­g people to wear masks.

“We keep seeing all these people that are anti-mask or whatever, which is fine and dandy if it’s just affecting them, but I think there needs to be repercussi­ons for their effect on the general public and the people around them,” she said.

Sampson Phillips, of Greenwich, said people should wear masks to keep themselves and others safe, but he didn’t think it should be a mandate backed by financial penalties.

“When it becomes like a mandated law, and now they want to possibly talk about adding fines to it, I feel like it’s stepping over people’s personal freedoms and rights a little bit,” he said.

New Haven’s Amanda Meyer, an epidemiolo­gist with Yale University, said she “definitely” supports mask fines.

“All of the science is showing that mask use and social distancing are the best ways of avoiding [lockdown again]. Especially with the fall coming, and a potential for flu season to overlap with the COVID-19 pandemic, it just seems like the absolute best way — anything that can help encourage people to just put on the mask is something that I’m very for.”

Meyer said her apartment building has been “extremely strict” about mask use and she wears one every time she leaves, even if she’s just walking down the hallway to take the trash out.

“The mask use has been really ingrained for me,” she said.

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