Greenwich Time

New this week: The Boss, Billie Eilish, Borat and ‘Bad Hair’



1 “Dear White People” filmmaker Justin Simien takes a big swing with his latest, “Bad Hair,” a comedy-horror about woman trying to rise in the late-80s music business who gets a demonic weave. Critics have been mixed on the tonal mishmash, but you can decide for yourself when it hits Hulu Friday.

1 You have to admire the moxie of Netflix and director Ben Wheatley for taking on Daphne du Maurier’s “Rebecca,” which already has a masterpiec­e Alfred Hitchcock adaptation to its name. But even with the less than stellar reviews, the prospect of watching stunners Lily James and Armie Hammer fret around Manderley in period clothes is still just too alluring to deny.

1 Following his critically acclaimed turn as activist Abbie Hoffman in Aaron Sorkin’s “The Trial of the Chicago 7,” Sacha Baron Cohen is returning to the character he made his name with: Borat. The Kazakhstan­i television host is back with “Borat 2” or “Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan.” The film is being kept mostly secret until it hits Amazon Prime Video Friday, but we can expect some election and pandemic antics.

“Emma”: Autumn de Wilde’s enjoyable 1 adaptation of Jane Austen’s “Emma” got a little lost in the early days of the pandemic, in theaters for about a week before jettisonin­g to VOD amid the shutdown. But it’s finally coming to HBO Saturday. Edgier than the (also great) Gwyneth Paltrow version, Anya Taylor-Joy takes on the role of the matchmaker extraordin­aire this time.

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