Greenwich Time

Reader hurt by friends’ jabs at USA

- Amy Dickinson

Dear Amy: My dilemma involves a group of women who I am friends with on an online sobriety site.

We met virtually over five years ago, have traveled together, and share our lives daily with our blogs and Zooms.

I’ve noticed that the members, mostly from the UK, often poke fun at America and Americans, calling us “the colonists” and posting degrading videos regarding our political situation, etc.

I was raised to respect other people’s countries and traditions.

Except for this, these women are very kind and have good manners.

So how can I get them to stop this. It hurts!

I would never make fun of them or their leaders or country!

I did speak to one of them about my feelings and she said that the others would be mortified if they knew that their comments bothered me.

So why do they do that? Can you offer me a fresh perspectiv­e?

I would never make fun of the Queen or their classist views.

Confused American

Dear Confused: My take on this is that these other women diss America because the pot sometimes enjoys calling out the kettle.

My point is — are you aware of how messed-up things are right now in the UK? (Have you been watching “The Crown”?)

These friends also do this because they don’t know it bothers you, and they don’t know it bothers you because you have not told them.

So, tell them! Say, “I have a confession to make: Your contempt toward America really bothers me. Honestly, I find it hurtful. I should have said something before, because I know if I had, you would have stopped. Things are tough everywhere right now, so can we call a truce?”

Dear Amy: “Sexless at 60” said that she and her husband had stopped having sex.

I hope they both get their hormone levels checked!

My husband and I had a similar problem. Working it through with our doctors helped to restore our libidos.


Dear Happier: Many readers have responded with similar success stories.

Ask Amy,

P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. e-mail:

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