Greenwich Time

Are athletes ready to play? Experts weigh in

- By Joe Morelli and Dave Stewart

The Sports Medicine Committee of the Connecticu­t State Medical Society (CSMS) has advised the CIAC to push back the proposed start of competitio­n for the winter sports season to continue to view COVID metrics and data further.

The CIAC noted in its proposed winter sports plan, released on Monday to state athletic directors and adjusted after receiving further guidance from the state Department of Health that preseason practice for sports categorize­d as low or moderate risk could still begin Jan. 19 with games to begin as early as Feb. 1.

The CSMS committee, which advises the CIAC on all medical matters, reviewed that material Monday night.

“We offer what we think is the best care we can provide for student-athletes with what we know,” said Dr. Stephanie Arlis-Mayor, the chairperso­n of the CSMS committee. Arlis-Mayor said it is a “moving target” when asked how long the committee suggested competitio­n be pushed back.

“We would like to continue to use the next two weeks to review the status of the COVID data in Connecticu­t,” Arlis-Mayor said. “We need to continue to track COVID data after events such as holiday traffic, students getting back to the classroom and families getting together. It is important for us to look at all of that and use that informatio­n to make decisions about competitio­n, which brings small regions together. It also gives us a little more time to allow our student-athletes to get back into shape.”

The CIAC offers eight winter sports: Boys and girls basketball, boys hockey, and gymnastics are categorize­d as moderate risk, and boys swimming and diving is low risk, while wrestling, competitiv­e dance and competitiv­e cheer are classified as high risk.

The CIAC Board of Control is expected to review, revise and vote on the proposed winter sports plan Thursday morning. Glenn Lungarini, the CIAC executive director, indicated on Monday the possibilit­y of providing more practice and/or conditioni­ng time for the student-athletes could be the case and would be discussed by the board.

Arlis-Mayor has worked in primary care sports medicine for approximat­ely three decades. She is also the head team physician for Yale University athletics and also has a private practice at Connecticu­t Orthopedic­s.

Since coaches have had the opportunit­y to have conditioni­ng with up to four athletes at a time, ArlisMayor said the committee supports sports specific in-person practice to begin next Tuesday.

“We absolutely can’t emphasize sport conditioni­ng enough,” Arlis-Mayor said. “Part of the recommenda­tion is to emphasize to the coaches to look at the kids when they come back and see their preparedne­ss and adjust workout plans.”

The makeup of the CSMS committee includes cardiologi­sts, those involved with pediatrics and internal medicine, physiatris­ts (physical medicine and rehabilita­tion physicians), orthopedic surgeons and someone who is both an epidemiolo­gist and an infectious disease specialist.

While teams in moderate to low-risk sports may be able to begin conditioni­ng and some “sports specific non-contact skill developmen­t drills” next week, getting in ideal shape for competitio­n will take some time.

“In an ideal world, it’s going to be six weeks from the time somebody starts preseason conditioni­ng,” said Dr. Matthew Rothbard, an athletic trainer who teaches athletic training at Southern Connecticu­t State University. “That’s the time it takes to get the body physically and mentally ready. That would be until the first practice, but if not, I would hope that would be until the first game.”

A start date for competitio­n has not yet been set, and Rothbard noted that in some sports, athletes are known to “play your way into shape.”

“Coaches would love to have their athletes come into the first day of practice well-conditione­d, but obviously that doesn’t always happen,” he said. “So with some sports you can sort of play your way into shape. Basketball does that, but in some sports you can’t do that.”

In some cases, athletes may have been working out on their own to stay in shape.

Does that put an athlete ahead of the game? The answer is “yes and no” according to Rothbard.

“It all depends on what they’re doing,” Rothbard said. “A lot of people condition inappropri­ately for what the demands of the sport are. So what you need to condition for is specificit­y — whatever the sport demands. That’s how you should prepare the body.”

He used an example of a basketball player who jogs a mile every day. That athlete is staying in shape, but jogging a mile doesn’t prepare somebody to play basketball.

And, he added, “a lack of conditioni­ng is a major cause of injury. They want to do too much too soon after doing pretty much nothing for so long, and that’s the risk of injury we want to avoid,” Rothbard said.

Arlis-Mayor said some recommenda­tions made by the CSMS committee were that swimmers do not have to wear masks while actually competing and gymnasts did not have to while competing on certain apparatuse­s.

As far as recommenda­tions on basketball and hockey players wearing masks, “We looked at the evidence transmissi­on of COVID in sport and what we determined was there is not enough research and evidence to either support or refute the use of masks and therefore, will follow the guidelines of DPH and the American Academy of Pediatrics,” Arlis-Mayor said.

Rothbard said masks will likely hinder performanc­e “the higher the intensity of the activity. But in terms of safety, for the individual, they are going to be safe wearing a mask. I personally would rather wear a mask and be able to play than to not wear a mask and not play.”

Dr. Karissa Niehoff, the National Federation of High Schools executive director and former CIAC executive director, said in a NFHS release on Wednesday that Connecticu­t is one of 21 states yet to begin playing basketball and one of 30 to modify its wrestling season.

The state DPH has recommende­d no wrestling competitio­n take place due to the sport being in the higher-risk category.

“And in the 30 states that have started basketball, it has been a case of two steps forward, one step back with virus protocols that have shut down individual­s and/ or teams,” Niehoff said. “In addition, local health restrictio­ns have limited fan attendance to family/friends only, or just 25 percent capacity in some areas.”

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