Greenwich Time

The outdated zealotry of Kimberly Fiorello

- Svetlana Wasserman is a Greenwich resident.

Anyone who receives Representa­tive Kimberly Fiorello’s Capitol Update knows that when faced with how to vote on a proposed bill, Fiorello has one guiding question: Will this bill enhance individual freedom or diminish it?

In Fiorello’s eyes, government is “overarchin­g” and “unaccounta­ble.” Fiorello writes, “I do not believe we need government legislatio­n, i.e. new laws, to do what needs to be done. We, the people, can and ought to just do it.”

She sees government as comprised of unelected bureaucrat­s akin to parasites feeding on taxpayer dollars. The solution, she believes, is in individual freedoms. “The brilliance of the American system is based on fundamenta­l trust in voluntary transactio­ns among free people to solve problems, find solutions, and meet each other's needs,” Fiorello writes.

This naive Libertaria­nism, fed by the writings of Friedrich Hayek, Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman, reveres the market as the most optimal decision-maker, not only in the economy, but for all social needs. In this view, each person should be allowed to pursue his or her self-interest without interferen­ce or direction from governing elites who think they know what is others’ best interest.

The problem with this dogged faith in individual choice is that it ignores decades of economic research about market failure, which occurs when rational pursuit of individual desires does not lead to rational outcomes for the larger community. For example, with the tragedy of the commons, individual fishermen will catch fish to the point of extinction, leaving all fishermen worse off. Yet there is no incentive for any fisherman to limit his catch because that only leaves more fish for his competitor­s. Only the regulation of fishing by a government can preserve the long term survival of the fishermens’ livelihood.

Another market failure is the concept of negative externalit­ies,

whereby the prices charged by producers do not reflect the true cost of the damage they cause. Pollution, global climate change, and the plastic pollution crisis are examples of market failure where the industries responsibl­e for these problems have passed on the cost of dealing with them to government­s and individual­s.

Fiorello’s faith in what she calls “we the people,” is the cornerston­e of neoliberal economics. Rational choice theory holds that individual­s use rational calculatio­ns to make choices aligned with their objectives. Yet we see all the time how people make terrible choices, such as gathering in large groups during COVID or storming the Capital, when they are fed a steady diet of lies and disinforma­tion.

Fiorello’s blind faith in individual choice and her distrust of government explains her extremist voting record. She has voted against every piece of civil rights legislatio­n because she believes that racism lives in people’s hearts and government has no role in mitigating it. Embracing the libertaria­n goal of replacing public schools with private ones, she introduced a bill to divert public school funding to charter schools. She has been at the forefront of the protest against requiring vaccines for public school students, claiming that individual liberty trumps public health. She has spoken out against every piece of climate legislatio­n introduced in the Assembly, opposes any kind of gun regulation, and voted against a ban on importing trophies from the killing of highly endangered African Big-6 large mammals.

Fiorello’s simplistic libertaria­n views are hopelessly out of date for dealing with the complex problems our state faces. The challenges of addressing the climate crisis, educating our students for jobs in the informatio­n age, modernizin­g our infrastruc­ture, and combating decades of institutio­nal racism can only be solved by people who believe that government can be a force for good when markets fail.

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