Greenwich Time

Daughter rages at recovering addict

- Jeanne Phillips Write to Dear Abby at P.O. Box 96440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 or

Dear Abby: I’m the mother of a 36-year-old daughter. She claims I treat her younger brothers better than I treat her. I am a recovering addict — clean for 20-plus years. I was in active addiction for nine years when she was a teenager, and she has never let that go. She constantly tells me how “unfair” I am, that I never make time for her and that I don’t validate her feelings.

I have apologized many times and tried to show her I don’t treat her siblings differentl­y. I schedule “us” time, but this is an ongoing battle, and I’m at a loss about how to fix it. How do I show her there’s no difference in the way I treat any of them? How do I reassure her that her feelings are validated? This has caused me many tearful nights.

Wanting Serenity Back Dear Wanting: Your years of active addiction may have created an emptiness in your daughter you may not be able to fill. You can’t “fix” her anger and feelings of deprivatio­n, but that doesn’t mean SHE can’t do it herself. It may involve her joining a 12-step program, or seeking emotional counseling.

Dear Abby: How do I tell my sister I no longer wish to be included in family gatherings (birthdays, holidays, etc.)? What happened on my brother’s birthday was the last straw.

I have since distanced myself for several reasons. 1) I won’t waste my breath trying to explain to my parents; they won’t believe a word I say. 2) I have no tolerance for other people’s jealousy or envy because I don’t envy or get jealous. 3) I don’t want to be surrounded by negative energy and emotional pain.

My sister is trying to get the family together again in spite of everything. I need her to respect my boundaries and my decision to stay away. I don’t want to have to discuss this when I have a conversati­on with her. I no longer wish to attend gatherings because they always end up in disruption of some kind, and then I have to take that energy home with me. Please help.

Seeking Peace in Illinois

Dear Seeking Peace: Your sister is not a mind reader. Because you don’t want her to “bring this up” when she has a conversati­on with you, explain that you won’t be attending family get-togethers and state your reasons. And when you do, tell her your mind is made up and you do not want to discuss it further.

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