Greenwich Time

Mutation puts reader at risk for a clot

- Keith Roach, M.D. Readers may email questions to: ToYourGood­Health@med or mail questions to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

Dear Dr. Roach: I was diagnosed with the factor V Leiden mutation a few years ago. Then I got COVID-19 in October 2020, but recovered with only mild symptoms. Since I have the factor V mutation, I have chosen not to get a vaccine for COVID. Unfortunat­ely, I was diagnosed with COVID again in December of last year. I am really not comfortabl­e with getting the vaccine. Any suggestion­s?


Answer: The factor V Leiden mutation puts people at higher risk for developing blood clots. The Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine was linked to an increased frequency of blood clotting, so I would not recommend that vaccine. Unfortunat­ely, previous infection, even two previous infections, also provides little protection against newer variants, and I would strongly advise you to get either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, neither of which has been linked to abnormal blood clotting.

COVID infection, on the other hand, is strongly linked to abnormal blood clotting, for which you are at higher risk because of your factor V Leiden mutation.

Dear Dr. Roach: I am approachin­g 91 years of age, still drive my own car and walk a mile a day. My only health problem is high blood pressure, for which I take nifedipine and atenolol.

Is it all right for me to drink alcoholic beverages at this age? I like to have a small glass of white wine (about 3 ounces) each evening before dinner or an occasional (once every three or four weeks) highball with an ounce of vodka or tequila.


Answer: At age 90+, you are entitled to do what you want. In this case, the potential harms from the modest amount of alcohol you are drinking are small.

Two warnings: First, even modest amounts of alcohol can raise the blood pressure. If your blood pressure is under control now, I wouldn’t tell you to stop drinking. The second is that in your 90s, your ability to metabolize alcohol isn’t what it was in your 20s, so a small drink for you now is equivalent to a larger drink for a person much younger than you. I’m glad you are choosing a modest serving size for your evening glass.

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