Greenwich Time

Doctors disagree over label of ‘cancer’

- Keith Roach, M.D. Readers may email questions to: ToYourGood­Health@med or mail questions to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

Dear Dr. Roach: In 2015, I was diagnosed with a myeloproli­ferative neoplasm, essential thrombocyt­hemia. My question is simple: Is it cancer or not? There seems to be a fundamenta­l disagreeme­nt between my oncologist and my hematologi­st about the “c” label. Not that it makes any difference treatment-wise, but I would like clarificat­ion.


Answer: Cancer is the term given to hundreds of diseases that share uncontroll­ed cell division and the potential to spread to other parts of the body. Myeloproli­ferative neoplasms meet that definition and so are classified as blood cancers. However, as you say, whether it is or isn’t cancer (it didn’t use to be considered cancer) isn’t very important. There are many types of cancers that have very good prognoses, including essential thrombocyt­hemia. The overall survival in people with ET is good, and they have a normal life expectancy.

Dear Dr. Roach: Iam writing in response to your comment that “For most people with a healthy diet, vitamins are probably useless.” I eat five to six servings of vegetables and fruit daily but do not know many people who eat more than one or two daily servings. I still take a multivitam­in, because two eye doctors have told me there are two ways to delay onset of cataracts: 1. Always wear sun protection for your eyes and 2. Take a multivitam­in for at least 10 years.

I am 70, have been taking multis for 30 years or more and have no sign of cataracts, though both my parents had them. My spouse, who is 72, had to have cataract surgery in his 60s and, until recently, had never taken multis.

Would you please comment/clarify your multivitam­in stand as pertains to eye health and cataracts?


Answer: Although some individual trials have shown small benefit (9% fewer cataracts in one trial among multivitam­in users), a recent review of nine clinical trials showed no benefit of multivitam­ins in preventing cataracts.

I would be the first to champion vitamins if they helped, but the evidence remains that multivitam­ins have very limited proven benefit except in people with deficienci­es.

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