Greenwich Time

ACBL to resume its face-to-face sectional tourneys


In its first face-to-face sectional tournament in more than two years, the Connecticu­t unit of the American Contract Bridge League plans to gather next weekend in Orange.

As mentioned last week, the Connecticu­t unit’s sectional tournament will be held at St. Barbara Greek Orthodox Church, about 2 miles off Exit 41 on Interstate 95. This is the first sectional tournament since the COVID-19 pandemic hit.

The tournament will feature the usual sectional format: Single session Stratified Open Pair games at 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. on

both June 3 and 4, and a Stratified Open Swiss Teams and 299er Swiss Teams starting at 10:30 a.m. on June 5, ending at about 6 p.m.

Elsewhere, local players did well recently at the two duplicate clubs in White Plains, N.Y.

At the Bridge Deck: On May 20, Faye Marino, playing with Rich Laufer, placed third North-South;

Linda Otness, with Chuck Lamprey, finished second East-West; and Lois Spagna, with Ruth Chizzini, came in third East-West.

On Monday, Linda Otness, with Chuck Lamprey, was third; and Mary ScarfiLois Spagna, came in second in Strat B. On Wednesday, Mary Scarfi-Lois Spagna finished first in Strat B.

At the Harte’s Club: On May 19, Kathryn Payne, with Kay Schulle, came in first; and Vivian Wu-Terry Lubman finished second. On Monday, Cyndy Anderson-Patty Read tied for first. On Wednesday,Kathryn Payne, with Kay Schulle, tied for second.

Today’s quiz: This week begins a special series of quizzes on the meaning of a double in various situations. In the following three problems, what do you think your partner’s double means in the auction given?

a) You-1D; Opponent-1S; Partner-Double.

b) You-Pass; Opponent-3D; Partner-Double.

c) Partner-Pass; Opponent-1D; You-Pass; Opponent-1H; Partner-Double.

Answers: a) This is a negative double whereby partner is showing four hearts and enough points to want to answer your opening bid. Partner may also have five or more hearts and not enough points to bid the suit freely at the two-level, which would show 10 or more points.

b) This is a takeout double indicating support for the three unbid suits and at least an opening hand. Partner might also have a more powerful hand, which he may identify at his next turn after you answer the double.

c) Partner’s double in this case is for takeout, promising support for clubs and spades, but not quite enough points to have opened the bidding initially.

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