Greenwich Time

Woman’s temper torpedoes romance

- Jeanne Phillips Write to Dear Abby at P.O. Box 96440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 or

Dear Abby: I’m a 59-yearold single man who was dating a 42-year-old woman for the past three years. The whole time we dated she was going through a divorce. I supported her and helped her through it. The papers were signed four months ago. Their relationsh­ip was emotionall­y abusive.

We had a lot in common and loved doing things together, but our relationsh­ip was rocky. During the time we were together, we split up three times because she would get upset with me over simple things but would never have a conversati­on to try and work it out. Her temper goes from zero to 60 in a heartbeat. Our fourth argument was our last. She told me to take my things and get out.

She told me on my way out the door that she doesn’t want a relationsh­ip and never did. She wants to be left alone.

After all the time I invested in us, I was crushed. Should I give up and move on, or let her figure her life out and hope she realizes we had something special?

Pushed Aside in Pennsylvan­ia

Dear Pushed Aside: When a woman with a fuse that goes from zero to 60 in a heartbeat tells you she doesn’t want a relationsh­ip with you and never did, it’s safe to conclude that for the past three years you have been used. Has it occurred to you that the verbal abuser in her past relationsh­ip may have been her? PLEASE, for your own sake, take the hint.

Dear Abby: My little sister and I got along great as kids. Even when we grew different interests, we promised to always have each other’s backs.

In high school, I befriended and eventually started dating a girl my family adored, my sister included. After nine years, we have finally become engaged, but now my sister has grown hostile toward us. She never hinted that she disliked my fiancee before, and nobody in our family can get a reason from her.

My mother wants her to be part of our wedding, but with this change in her behavior, I’m not comfortabl­e with the idea. Did I do something wrong? Should I question her to get to the bottom of this?

Baffled Brother

Dear Baffled: Definitely do that. If you approach it privately, your sister may be more comfortabl­e answering you honestly. Talking one-onone will better your chances of getting her to disclose what’s bothering her.

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