Greenwich Time

Spinal cord injury misdiagnos­ed

- Keith Roach, M.D. R.J.L. Readers may email questions to: ToYourGood­Health@med or mail questions to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

Dear Dr. Roach: Have you ever heard of a “low blood pressure stroke”? That was my husband’s (incorrect) diagnosis several years back when he suddenly could not move his arms and legs. He was told that not enough oxygen was getting to his spine. (His blood pressure is historical­ly low, usually around 90/60.)

That lasted about seven months, and he was bedridden the entire time. He then went to a neurosurge­on and was (correctly) diagnosed with a spinal cord injury. He had C1-C2 surgery and had use of his limbs the next day. After months of physical therapy, he regained a lot of function.

We’ve never heard of that diagnosis before or after his experience. Does it really exist?


Answer: The diagnosis of “a low blood pressure stroke” for your husband doesn’t make any sense at all to me, and advanced imaging of the brain should have made it abundantly clear that it was not the right diagnosis.

I’m shocked that he wasn’t treated correctly for such a long time. But I’m very happy to hear that his neurosurge­on did not assume the diagnosis of a stroke, and instead made the correct diagnosis.

Dear Dr. Roach:

My primary care physician and blood specialist say there is nothing that will increase white blood cell count. Are there supplement­s that I can take or foods to eat to improve the low count?

Answer: The question is, why is your white blood cell count low? Some people have low white blood cell counts for no reason; it runs in families, so there aren’t any health concerns there. However, there are a large variety of blood diseases that cause low white cell counts.

Nutritiona­l deficienci­es are extremely rare in North America (vitamin B12, folic acid and copper are the exceptions), so neither diet nor supplement­s are usually helpful. In absence of blood disease or symptoms, low white blood cell counts usually do not need treatment.

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