Guymon Daily Herald


- By Holiday Write Holiday Mathis at HolidayMat­


Mars Gets Hungry

Instant gratificat­ion is like alcohol served at a party. It may be a festive thing to offer others, though the host is better off partaking very little or abstaining altogether. This Mars entrance into Taurus, the sign of appetite, is an excellent time for temperance. Don’t let the execution of plans get sloppy with overindulg­ence.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). You’ve seen yourself in a certain role, tried it on, played around, and now things are getting real. The role is no longer something you put on when you’re feeling it; it’s now part of who you are.

TAURUS ( April 20-May 20). You now suspect that you sacrificed your time and passion for prizes that aren’t coming. Still, you gained something in working up the fervor that will never leave you. Pack up and apply your energy elsewhere.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Anyone can have intentions, and lots of people do. But it’s action that matters and even more than that, repetitive action. Keep at it regardless if it is currently working. These slight shifts for the better are starting to add up.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). Unlike a cellphone, you cannot plug into the wall and get charged up. However, the time you spend in, near or drinking water will be rejuvenati­ng on many levels.

LEO ( July 23- Aug. 22). Financial jackpots often solve problems only to create more expensive ones. The real lottery win is always internal. It’s the sweepstake­s of the soul that pay out continuous­ly and keep adding more joy.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). People who follow recipes well like to say that anyone can follow a recipe, but that’s not really true. Some are better at duplicatin­g and others are almost pathologic­ally inclined to stray. Deliciousn­ess can come from either approach.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Your path differs from your friend’s path, but the way you walk it is so similar. You participat­e in the same kinds of practices, rituals and manners of delivery. You can help one another through supportive sharing.

SCORPIO ( Oct. 24-Nov. 21). It’s an unsettling sensation you get from searching for something you’re not even sure exists. If you were a blind follower, you wouldn’t have to feel it. You’re not, so you’ll bear discomfort in the name of discovery.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Usually, you like to take a stance, though what’s the rush? Right now, it’s a good time to hedge your bets. Relatedly, make your words sweet and tender just in case you have to eat them later.

CAPRICORN ( Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Go with your altruistic leanings. You’re filled with purpose and will soon be surrounded by grateful people. The more you help people, the more you want to.

AQUARIUS ( Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You meet the challenge, and then the next one and the next. This is how you become mighty. When the stakes are high and the time is limited, you’ll do your best work.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Planning, prevention and proactive moves will serve you well. This time next month you’ll be thanking yourself. This time next year, you’ll call the person reading this right now an “absolute genius”!

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Jan. 6). You’ll ace the test, comply with instructio­ns and move on to the next level. It’s impressive but not nearly as soul-satisfying as when you, time and again this year, contribute the inventiven­ess that only you can give. You’ll double down on your vision, approachin­g work and love with unparallel­ed creativity. Gemini and Virgo adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 7, 10, 3, 33 and 42.

COSMIC TOPIC: CARDINAL ENERGY: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are natural-born leaders, magnetical­ly attracting others with strong cardinal energy. Cardinal means “of prime importance.” These cardinal signs mark the change of seasons in the sun’s annual dance across the sky and represent the “true” natures of the four ancient elements.

For example, when the sun enters the fire sign of Aries, the spring equinox begins. The Northern Hemisphere rejoices like a ram bounding up a mountain. Aries epitomizes that fiery “up and at ‘em” energy.

The sun entering the water sign of Cancer signals the start of the summer solstice and days spent relaxing by the sea. A relaxed mind can easily access the intuitive, free-flowing wisdom of the water signs.

Want an impartial mediator who is sure to render a fair judgment based on facts and intellect? You can’t do any better than the cardinal air sign of Libra. The sun’s transition into this autumnal sign indicates that darkness and light are perfectly balanced.

When in the earth sign of Capricorn, the sun has officially arrived at its winter residence. Crafty goats make ideal use of this snowy downtime, tending to their fleecy winter coats and carefully weaving cashmere plans for the future.

CELEBRITY PROFILES: Rowan Atkinson’s iconic characters, such as Mr. Bean and Johnny English, are beloved worldwide. Atkinson was born when the sun and Mercury were in Capricorn, the sign of ambition, social standing and business savvy. Natal Jupiter and Uranus in Cancer speak to a nurturing instinct, which Atkinson has put to work recently by taking care of his small daughter Isla, affectiona­tely nicknamed “Baby Bean.”

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