Guymon Daily Herald

God bless America, and how’s everybody?


HOLLYWOOD-God bless America, and how’s everybody?

US News and World Report quoted an

NBC News poll taking measure of the national mood, which revealed that seventy percent of Americans believe that the country is heading in the wrong direction. On the other hand, our long national nightmare is over. Amber Heard has finished testifying.

Elon Musk put his bid to buy Twitter on hold pending an investigat­ion to find out the number of people who are actually on Twitter and what number are simply robots pitching products or points of views. Elon Musk is not going to buy Twitter if it’s largely fake. That’s why he never bought Hooters.

The PGA Championsh­ip begins round two today at Southern Hills in Tulsa. They really limited the possible winners by scheduling the PGA there. After surviving two car crashes and a beating by his wife with a nineiron, Tiger Woods is the only golfer who’s trained for tornado season in Oklahoma.

West Hollywood is preparing for one million marchers in the Gay Pride Parade in two weeks. It’s a rainbow world here. I once told the people at Match.Com that I’m looking for a Southern, straight, single Episcopali­an or Methodist girl in West Hollywood, and they sent me Gone with the Wind on


The Hollywood Reporter reported that Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren have been signed for the Yellowston­e prequel called 1932. Both of these major stars will bring a lot to the production. Helen Mirren will act on the series and Harrison Ford will act as a consultant about what life was like in 1932.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre denied any administra­tion blame for higher gas prices and she cited Putin’s aggression and Putin’s war for resulting in Putin’s gas price hikes. I was almost late to the Comedy Store last night for my show. I told the emcee I got stuck in Putin’s traffic jam.

The White House announced Homeland Security is putting the Board of Disinforma­tion on hold following an uproar in Congress over the idea, and putting the mendacious showboat Nina Jankowicz out of a job as social media truth czar. How toxic is this woman? Johnny Depp just asked if she’s single.

GOP Senate candidate Kathy Barnette scored one fourth of the Pennsylvan­ia vote with her strong support of the January 6th protestors. She carried Amish Country, which prompts me to ask a question off-point. Do Amish women know it’s a romantic candleligh­t dinner or just figure it’s a regular dinner?

The Daily Mail reports that Ukraine’s Ministry of Justice is placing a captured Russian soldier on trial for war crimes after he admitted shooting civilians. It recalls a warning about the Red Army that goes way back. If you are being chased down the street by a pack of taxidermis­ts, do NOT play dead.

President Biden met with the leaders of Finland and Sweden to plot their entry into NATO in the face of Russian threats. At least the Finns and Swedes have centurieso­ld traditions of military valor. The problem is, Russians are fighting so poorly in Ukraine, it’s got France and Italy mouthing off.

Senator Ted Cruz accused the White House of slow-walking federal oil drilling permits. He said it’s part of their continuing war to wipe out the oil industry. If the Beverly Hillbillie­s were made today, the Clampett family would move to Beverly Hills after Jed went hunting in Holland and struck windmills.

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