Guymon Daily Herald

School safety should not be to duck and cover

- By ARGUS HAMILTON EDITOR’S NOTE: Argus Hamilton is the host comedian at The Comedy Store in Hollywood and entertains groups and organizati­ons around the country. E-mail him at

BEVERLY HILLS --- God bless America, and how’s everybody?

The L.A. Times in an article on school safety drills ran a photo of Baby Boomer kids preparing for nuclear attack with a duck-and-cover drill in 1959. It shows us all lined up facedown on the hallway floor with our hands over our heads. It looks like they were playing a Yoko Ono song over the PA system.

The Betty Ford Center reports patient enrollment is an all-time high Friday. My roommate there in 1986 was a priest who had to get sober after he screwed up a church service announceme­nt while drunk. He was suppose to invite everyone to a Taffy Pull at St. Peter’s and not a Peter Pull at

St. Taffy’s.

The World Health Organizati­on said the monkey pox virus traveled from Africa to a rave party in Hamburg then to England to Canada and the U.S. The CDC is now investigat­ing whether monkey pox can be sexually transmitte­d. In the meantime you should use protection if you’re sleeping with a monkey.

Kevin Spacey drew five charges of sexual assault against three young men in England Thursday if he steps foot on British soil. He is now a defendant in a civil case brought by his first young male accuser. We’ve waited 13 years for someone to claim Michael Jackson’s crown as the new King of Pop.

George W. Bush was targeted by an Iraqi hit squad still angry he overthrew Saddam

Hussein for non-existent WMDs. In Saddam’s bedroom U.S. troops found a lamp shaped like a naked woman, ten cases of Scotch and condoms that glow in the dark. We spent a trillion dollars to overthrow Dean Martin.

South Korea TV producers released a zombie comedy on Netflix called All of Us Are Dead that’s set in high school. Zombie situations are perfectly believable here in the Covid era. As for the premise, anyone who believes that the dead cannot come back to life has never been at the DMV at quitting time.

The New York Times marked two years since George Floyd’s death by running a photograph of the cop kneeling on his chest on the street in front of a gas station in Minneapoli­s. It’s so sad. The fact that you can see the sign at the gas station offering Regular Unleaded at $1.89 a gallon makes it even worse.

Barack Obama raised eyebrows Wednesday by linking the school shooting in Uvalde to the death of George Floyd at the hands of police two years ago. How I’ve missed his daily lecture. Otherwise I would have never realized that George Floyd was the real victim of the Texas school shooting last week.

President Biden declared his determinat­ion Thursday to get something done on gun control and said the Second Amendment is limited. The White House later disclosed that President Biden will go to Texas Sunday to comfort Uvalde and give the town a speech. Haven’t these people suffered enough?

President Biden asserted that the Second Amendment is limited Wednesday and wrongly claimed that the Founders did not allow you to own a cannon. Progressiv­es are just relieved Joe didn’t call for repeal of the Second Commandmen­t. Woke-ism is a jealous god and will have no other gods before it.

Congress debated gun safety measures Thursday as the Secretary of Education reprimande­d the American public for becoming desensitiz­ed to all the recent school shootings. We’re just worn down. Last week I caught myself missing the good old days when mass shootings were limited to the post office.

The Senate erupted in debate between gun control and school security Thursday. We’ve been two different countries since one side in the English Civil War colonized the North and my side colonized the South. Authoritie­s in Texas should have been alerted when an 18-year-old Texan bought only two guns.

The Border Patrol warns that Tijuana is flooded by illegal aliens waiting for a chance to come to the U.S. They are lured to America by our upward mobility. They watch the news and can see this is a country where it’s possible in only six years for a Deplorable to be promoted to the rank of Ultra MAGA.

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