Guymon Daily Herald

How to prepare for winter storms


Winterk arrivesk withk fanfarek ask Christmasx­k Chanukahk andk Newk YearsskEve­k all kt akek place kwi think daysk of k the ki rstkdaykof­k the k season. kP artiesk andk shoppingk mayk distractk peoplek from kt hek weather k around kt hemxkbutk afterk resolution­sk arek madek andk thek decoration­skarekpack­edkawayxki­tssknotk long k before kitssk time ktok con front kw in te rss kw rath.k

Storms karek commonplac­e kinkJa nu aryk andk February k ink manyk partsk ofk thek worldxk andk evenk Marchk stormsk arek notkunhear­dk of.k Knowingk howk tok preparek fork stormsk cank keepk peoplek saferk andk preventk homek damage.k Ifk ak stormk isk forecasted­xk followk thesek guidelines.

• Charge a mobile phone and other electro nick devices ktokfullk battery kinadv an cekofk the ks tor mk ink casekpower­k goeskout.

• Stock the home with extra batteries fork gashlights­k andk battery-poweredk d ev icesxksuch­k ask ak portable kr ad io.

• Invest in a car charger to charge

devices k if kt hek power kiskoutk forks omek time.

• Keep a supply of canned or boxed nonperisha­ble kite msxk ask wellk ask conve ni encek foods kt hatkdok not knee dktok be kcookedxk like kg ran olak bars.

• Periodical­ly check to ensure that the k ir st kaidkk it kisk stocked k with kite msk that have not expired.

• Refill medication­s so that they are on khandk ink the keventk weather km akesk itk challengin­g ktok get ktok the ks tore.

•Keep emergency supplies of bottledk water. k If kyoukforg et kt hisx kill kt hek bathtub up with fresh water. Extra water k will k be knee dedk fork toilet k gushing kifk your ski ska ksep tick system.

• Have warm blankets on hand and sleeping kb agsk fork eachk person k ink thek home.

• Unplug all electronic devices if the powerk goesk outk tok protectk againstk ak surgek andk d am agek whenk thek power kisk restored.

• Exercise cautionk when k burningkc and lesxk optingk fork flashlight­sk and kl an tern skin stead.

•If it’s very cold outside, move refrigerat­edkandk frozen kite msk outdoors ksok

theyk dok notk spoilk ink ank unpoweredk refrigerat­or.

• Do not use gas stoves, charcoal grillsk ork otherk open-gamek heatk s our cesk fork warmth kin doors. kC ar bonk monoxide gas can build up inside andkprovek­deadly.

•Follow the manufactur­er’ s instructio­nsk when ku sin gk ak backup k gene rat ork forkpower.

• Stock up on gasoline for vehicles and ktok power kg as-drivenk generators.

• Use power company websites and appsk to kreportk outagesk and ks taykap pr is edkofk restoratio­n ks tat us.

• Be cautious of downed power lines ink the k area kw henkdri vin gk ork walking.

Winterk stormsk cank bek beautifulk butk dangerousk withoutk amplek preparatio­n.k

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