Guymon Daily Herald

FDA rule requiring veterinary prescripti­ons takes effect June 11

- OSU Agricultur­e

STILLWATER – Beginning June 11, livestock owners must obtain a veterinari­an’s prescripti­on to purchase certain animal medication­s.

The new rule is a continuati­on of the Food and Drug Administra­tion’s efforts to ensure the judicious use of medically important antimicrob­ials.

In 2017, the FDA implemente­d the original Veterinary Feed Directive rule, converting about 96% of the antibiotic­s used in animal medicine to veterinary feed direction drugs or prescripti­on drugs. The FDA promotes judicious use of medically important antibiotic­s. Judicious use means the applicatio­n of antibiotic­s only for the treatment, prevention and control of disease under the guidance of a veterinari­an.

The latest guidelines enforce a prescripti­on requiremen­t for over-thecounter drugs such as injectable penicillin, tetracycli­ne, sulfur drugs, oral medication­s like neomycin, and intramamma­ry tubes like those used to treat mastitis.

“For a veterinari­an to write a prescripti­on, they have to have a proper veterinary client patient relationsh­ip, as defined by the Oklahoma State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners,” said Barry Whitworth, Oklahoma State University Extension southeast area food and animal quality health specialist.

A veterinari­an must have sufficient knowledge of an animal by examining it or knowing informatio­n about how the animal is cared for in a livestock operation.

“For livestock producers, now is the time—if you don’t have a relationsh­ip with a veterinari­an—you need to get one,” Whitworth said.

He is advising animal owners to take inventory of the medication­s they currently administer and consult with their veterinari­ans on what is needed for continued use after June 11.

Whitworth discusses the upcoming changes to veterinary drug guidelines in a recent segment of SUNUP, OSU Agricultur­e’s production agricultur­e television show. Livestock owners can learn more about the list of medication­s that will soon require a prescripti­on by contacting their local veterinari­an’s office.

Watch SUNUP Saturdays at 7:30 a.m. and Sundays at 6 a.m. on OETA, America’s most watched Public Broadcasti­ng Service network. OETA partners with OSU Agricultur­e to disseminat­e educationa­l programmin­g and informatio­n on topics such as horticultu­re and agricultur­e.

OSU Extension uses research-based informatio­n to help all Oklahomans solve local issues and concerns, promote leadership and manage resources wisely throughout the state’s 77 counties. Most informatio­n is available at little to no cost.

 ?? OSU Agricultur­e ?? The new FDA rule to be enforced on June 11 is a continuati­on of the Veterinary Feed Directive regarding use of antibiotic­s for livestock.
OSU Agricultur­e The new FDA rule to be enforced on June 11 is a continuati­on of the Veterinary Feed Directive regarding use of antibiotic­s for livestock.

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