Hamilton Journal News



“My wife and I have been married so long,” a club player told me, “that she finishes my sentences. Actually, she starts some and often furnishes the middle parts.”

I watched him defend as today’s West. Against

3NT he led a club. South let East’s jack win, won the next club with the king and led a diamond: four, queen. West took his ace and led a third club. South won and led diamond to dummy’s 10, and my friend’s wife took the jack and led a heart. South had three spades, two hearts, two diamonds and two clubs.

“I should have ...” West began.

“... ducked the first diamond,” his wife finished for him.

A defensive principle:

When you hope to set up a long suit against notrump, cling to your entry. West must let the queen of diamonds win and play low again if South (perhaps questionab­ly) leads another diamond.

If South plays the 10 from dummy, as most would,

East wins and returns her last club, and West’s suit is set up while he still has the ace of diamonds. South wins only eight tricks.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: A842 853 K 1095 K 5. Your partner opens one club, the next player bids one heart and you make a negative double. Partner then jumps to two spades. What do you say?

ANSWER: Your double promised enough strength to respond, with four cards in spades. (A bid of one spade would show five or more.) In my opinion, partner has “raised” your implied spade bid; he has not shown great strength. Pass or raise only to three spades.

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