Hamilton Journal News

Priest recounts abduction by gang holding missionari­es

- By Dánica Coto

SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO — Father Jean-Nicaisse Milien felt the cool barrel of a gun against his right ear.

The Haitian priest and nine other people had just been kidnapped while driving through the outskirts of the Haitian capital, Port-auPrince, in early April. It was around 7 a.m. and they were en route to celebrate the installati­on of a fellow pastor at a nearby parish when 15 to 20 gang members brandishin­g heavy weapons surrounded their car.

“Go here! Go here!” the gunmen commanded as they pulled over the car.

It was the 400 Mawozo gang, the same group that kidnapped 17 missionari­es from a U.S. religious organizati­on on Oct. 16 as they drove to an orphanage. That group, which includes five children, the youngest 8 months old, is still being held for ransom amid death threats.

Milien spoke to The Associated Press Tuesday, describing the ordeal he and his nine companions — two nuns, four fellow priests and three relatives — endured at the hands of their captors.

After seizing them on April 11, the gunmen blindfolde­d him and the others, Milien said, and drove until they reached a dilapidate­d house where they slept on a dirt floor for days.

“We did our necessitie­s on the ground,” he recalled. “It was really difficult.”

Milien and the others were kept blindfolde­d for two days and fed only rice and bread, washed down with Coca-Cola.

On the first day, gang members demanded the group hand over phone numbers of their relatives. The gunmen made calls demanding $1 million per head — the same ransom they made for the missionari­es kidnapped last month.

On the fourth day, the gang released one person and moved Milien and the others to a smaller house. After two weeks, they released three more, but not Milien. He and the remaining five captives were moved to yet another abandoned house.

“That last week, it was very difficult,” he recalled, saying they received no food and barely any water.

On their way to the third location, the gang leader told them: “Here, we don’t have any food, any hospital, any house. We don’t have anything, but we have a cemetery.”

Milien took that as a death threat and doubled down. “I told them, ‘Continue to pray,’” he said he told his fellow captives. “One day, we will be free.”

Eventually Milien and the five others were released after an undisclose­d ransom sum was paid.

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