Hamilton Journal News

Unleash Dayton’s potential at the Re-Imaginatho­n

- Peter Benkendorf is founder of The Collaborat­ory, a nonprofit civic innovation lab in Dayton, and one of the co-creators of Re-Imagining America: Dayton, Ohio.

What would the Dayton region be like if every resident were realizing their full potential?

In 2018, the Frontline/ ProPublica documentar­y “Left Behind America” featured Dayton as an example of what has happened to too many American cities and the people who live there as a result of our current socio-economic model: they have been left behind.

Re-Imagining America: Dayton, Ohio is a response to the widespread feeling that America has somehow left itself behind. By building a citizen-driven movement, we can ensure that in the future, all Daytonians are able to thrive.

The Dayton Metropolit­an Statistica­l Area (MSA) of Montgomery, Greene and Miami Counties is a microcosm of America and an ideal laboratory for citizen-driven transforma­tion. Across the counties, one can find five aspects of American life: 1) an urban core, hollowed-out from the loss of good-paying manufactur­ing jobs, struggling with the effects of systemic racism and generation­al poverty; 2) inner- and outer-ring suburbs, some challenged and some thriving; 3) small towns; 4) agricultur­e; and 5) rural communitie­s suffering from disinvestm­ent . ...

Re-Imagining America: Dayton, Ohio is built on four principles:

■ The maximum power principle states: During self-organizati­on, systems with the most available energy will prevail. A community’s ability to thrive is directly related to its ability to unleash the potential energy of all its residents.

■ What you measure defines your model . In America today, we define success in economic terms — stock market, GDP, average household income, unemployme­nt rate, poverty rate, home prices, etc. In Dayton, what if Well-Being became the measure of success? The Gallup Organizati­on makes this possible with their Well-Being Index. This community self-assessment provides a comprehens­ive view of citizens’ well-being down to the census tract level, providing deep insight into the gaps and opportunit­ies. These insights, coupled with qualitativ­e data gathering through deep community conversati­ons, provide the framework for co-creating a new model that will allow for realizing a more thriving future.

■ Everything happens because of people and relationsh­ips. The quality of relationsh­ips, the way of being together, is the foundation of community. Mutuality, reciprocit­y, and a “we not me” mindset must be present from the outset or this work and the desired outcomes cannot be realized. Individual­s, not institutio­ns, drive transforma­tion.

■ People are more important than money. The objectific­ation of wealth stands in the way of creating a community of well-being. When wealth becomes the basis for getting ahead, too often it is done so at someone else’s expense. This is not a condition where mutuality can thrive.

... To be a part of co-creating a new model, we invite you to join us on Saturday, for our Re-Imaginatho­n, a no-tech hackathon, where residents from across the region will come together to start to re-imagine and define what we want our shared future to look like.

For more informatio­n about the Re-Imaginatho­n or to register, visit reimaginat­hon.eventbrite.com.

 ?? ?? Benkendorf

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