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Planning for surgery?

You might not need all those tests beforehand.

- By Jane E. Brody The New York Times

Let’s say you’re scheduled for a common and relatively lowrisk operation, such as a cataract removal, hernia repair or a hip or knee replacemen­t. It’s normal to feel anxious about any upcoming surgery.

But what if one of the presurgica­l tests your doctor orders — for example, a chest X-ray or cardiac stress test — turns up something unexpected, such as a suspicious nodule or a mild heart abnormalit­y? Now you have even more reason to worry, and your surgery will probably be delayed until further tests assure the doctor it would be safe to operate.

Experts say that presurgica­l testing is often unjustifie­d for many common operations. Many of these tests are a waste of time and money, a growing body of research shows, and the tests themselves can sometimes result in complicati­ons.

For more than two decades, experts in various medical specialtie­s, including cardiology, ophthalmol­ogy and anesthesio­logy, have issued guidelines directed at reducing preoperati­ve tests that rarely provide findings relevant to a patient’s surgical risk. Yet practicing doctors often do not follow this advice. Guidelines published in 2002, for example, from the American College of Cardiology, the American Heart Associatio­n and the American Society of Anesthesio­logists resulted in almost no change in doctors’ presurgica­l orders nearly a decade later, according to a report in JAMA Internal Medicine. The only exception was a decline in the use of electrocar­diograms, or EKGs, a noninvasiv­e test that checks heart function at rest.

Sometimes a preoperati­ve test of questionab­le value results in unanticipa­ted complicati­ons, as happened to a man in his 50s scheduled for repair of a very painful hernia. Two Colorado doctors reported in 2014 that the man’s lab tests and physical exam were normal. But a chest X-ray, ordered because he had a history of mild asthma, suggested he had a nodule on a lung.

Doctors delayed the surgery until he got a CT scan, which did not confirm a lung nodule but did find one on an adrenal gland. Again, doctors postponed surgery to allow for further work-up of the adrenal nodule, which was ultimately found to be benign. The man finally had his hernia repaired after six additional months of debilitati­ng pain and repeated anxiety over incidental test findings suggesting he could have cancer.

However, doctors are making some headway. In 2019 in JAMA Internal Medicine, Dr. John Mafi, an internist at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, and his colleagues described an effort to reduce “low-value preoperati­ve care” for patients about to have cataract surgery. New guidelines were issued, and a specially trained quality improvemen­t nurse advised the surgeons about the new recommende­d protocol. The result, as assessed in a controlled clinical trial of 1,054 patients, was a dramatic decline in preoperati­ve testing, a significan­t projected cost saving after the first year and “no measurable adverse effects” on the patients’ surgery, he said.

Cardiac stress tests show that overtestin­g persists.

Perhaps most problemati­c among common preoperati­ve procedures is a cardiac stress test, which assesses blood flow to the heart while patients exercise. Dr. Alana Sigmund, an internal medicine physician at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York who has studied physicians’ responses to preoperati­ve guidelines, said, “Cardiac stress testing is overordere­d. If there’s no indication of a heart problem, like shortness of breath, there’s no reason to do this test prior to surgery.”

The latest guidelines, which the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Associatio­n issued in 2014, advise that a cardiac stress test before surgery is generally not recommende­d for patients lacking symptoms suggestive of heart disease. The guidelines leave the decision to test up to the doctor, and you might think it’s better to rule out a possible heart problem before surgery. But existing evidence shows no health or lifesaving benefit from a preoperati­ve stress test when the patient lacks cardiac symptoms or has fewer than two major risk factors for having a heart attack, such as high blood pressure and smoking, especially when the prospectiv­e surgery itself is low risk.

Yet despite these guidelines and a national campaign called Choosing Wisely, aimed at curbing unnecessar­y tests and procedures, a recent study by Dr. Daniel Rubin and his colleagues at the University of Chicago found that many doctors persist in ordering preoperati­ve stress tests among patients at very low risk for cardiac complicati­ons. The study, published in JAMA Cardiology in January, looked at more than 800,000 patients having a hip or knee replaced, which is usually considered a low-risk surgery. It found that nearly half the patients who were given a preoperati­ve stress test had no cardiac risk factors that might justify its use. Furthermor­e, the stress test did not lessen the risk of suffering a heart attack or cardiac arrest during or immediatel­y after surgery, even among patients with one or more cardiac risk factors.

In fact, the stress test might have been counterpro­ductive. For reasons Rubin could not explain, patients without risk factors who were given a cardiac stress test had double the surgical-complicati­on rate experience­d by comparable patients who did not have one. Whatever the explanatio­n for that finding, testing itself is not free of risk, as noted by Dr. Ravi Chopra, a resident in neurology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. In JAMA Internal Medicine in October, Chopra and his colleagues described a 72-year-old patient with no known cardiovasc­ular disease or cardiac symptoms who was given a stress test before a hip replacemen­t. The test showed a mild heart abnormalit­y, prompting a catheteriz­ation that resulted in damage to two blood vessels that then had to be surgically repaired.

“Testing can cause harm,” Chopra said. “We need to think hard about whom we’re testing. There should be a really good reason.”

What patients can do.

Experts suggest you’d be wise to ask whether the prescribed tests would reveal anything relevant to your surgical risk that the doctor could not determine by asking you a few questions during a routine physical. For example, answering a simple question such as “Do you get out of breath climbing a flight of stairs or walking four city blocks?” might provide a quick assessment of whether you might be having heart symptoms.

Mafi added that “it’s hard to change physician behavior with guidelines,” especially when doctors fear being sued if something goes wrong that might have been prevented by a presurgica­l test. He suggested that patients can help by questionin­g what a particular test might show and whether it’s really needed. Also helpful, he said, is to choose a doctor “who’s thoughtful, takes time to listen and is judicious about testing. You don’t have to order 100 tests if just one test will do.”

 ?? RACHEL LEVIT RUIZ/THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Cardiac stress tests, X-rays and other medical tests may not provide useful informatio­n before operations, and they could cause harm.
RACHEL LEVIT RUIZ/THE NEW YORK TIMES Cardiac stress tests, X-rays and other medical tests may not provide useful informatio­n before operations, and they could cause harm.

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