Hamilton Journal News

Constructi­on dips in October, permits jump

- By Matt Ott

SILVER SPRING, MD. — Constructi­on of new homes in the U.S. fell 0.7% in October, but a big jump in the number of permits last month points to anticipati­on by builders that supply chain problems that have dogged them for much of the year will soon ease.

October’s decline put home constructi­on at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1.52 million units, which is an increase of 0.4% from the rate at this time last year, the Commerce Department reported Wednesday. September’s number was also revised down to 1.53 million units from 1.56 million units.

But in a positive sign of future activity, applicatio­ns for building permits jumped 4% from September to 1.65 million and is up 3.4% from October of last year.

Single-family home starts fell 3.9% from September to October and are down more than 10% from last year. Apartment constructi­on has helped offset some of those declines, with starts of buildings with five or more units rising to 470,000 in October, an increase of 6.8% from September’s 440,000. Apartment constructi­on starts are up nearly 40% over this time last year.

Constructi­on activity by region saw modest declines in the Northeast, South and West, while the Midwest came in 5.6% higher in October.

Low interest rates and a desire for more space have lured buyers into the market, but rising costs for materials and a years-long shortage of supply have pushed prices up. Economists and builders say demand remains strong, even as the median price for a new home is about 20% higher than a year ago.

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