Hamilton Journal News

Absurd side of the social justice industry in America

- Michelle Goldberg Michelle Goldberg writes for The New York Times.

If you follow debates over the strident style of social justice politics often derided as “wokeness,” you might have heard about a document called “Advancing Health Equity: A Guide to Language, Narrative and Concepts.” Put out by the American Medical Associatio­n and the Associatio­n of American Medical Colleges Center for Health Justice, the guide is a long list of terms and phrases that some earnest people have decided others in the medical field should avoid using, along with their preferred substitute­s.

Some of these substituti­ons make sense; health care profession­als shouldn’t be referring to people who have been in prison as “ex-cons.” Some are a matter of keeping up with the times, such as capitalizi­ng Black when talking about Black people. Some, however, are obnoxious and presumptuo­us and would impede clear communicat­ion. For example, the guide suggests replacing “vulnerable” with “oppressed,” even though they’re not synonymous: it’s not oppression that makes the elderly vulnerable to COVID.

My guess is that very few people will follow these recommenda­tions. As Conor Friedersdo­rf points out in The Atlantic, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, still talks about “those who are most vulnerable” when discussing vaccinatio­n. “Advancing Health Equity” advises steering clear of words with “violent connotatio­n” such as “combat” or “target,” but last week, the president of the American Medical Associatio­n gave a speech calling doctors “an army against the virus.” At one point, the document itself critiques how, in health care, diseases “become the main target rather than the social and economic conditions that produce health inequities.”

Like most other reports written by bureaucrat­ic working groups, “Advancing Health Equity” would probably be read by almost no one if it did not inadverten­tly advance the rightwing narrative that progressiv­e newspeak is colonizing every aspect of American life. Still, the existence of this document is evidence of a social problem, though not, as the guide instructs us to say instead of “social problem,” a “social injustice.” The problem is this: Parts of the “diversity, equity and inclusion” industry are heavy-handed and feckless, and the left keeps having to answer for them.

Consider the endless debate over critical race theory in public schools. In certain circles, it’s become convention­al wisdom that even if public schools are not teaching graduate-school critical race theory, they’re permeated by something adjacent to it . ...

“The idea that critical race theory is an academic concept that is taught only at colleges or law schools might be technicall­y accurate, but the reality on the ground is a good deal more complicate­d,” wrote Yascha Mounk in The Atlantic. Across the nation, he wrote, “many teachers” have started adopting “a pedagogica­l program that owes its inspiratio­n to ideas that are very fashionabl­e on the academic left, and that go well beyond telling students about America’s copious historical sins.”

In truth, it’s hard to say what “many teachers” are doing; school curriculum­s are decentrali­zed, and most of the data we have is anecdotal. But there was just a gubernator­ial election in Virginia in which critical race theory played a major role. If the right had evidence of Virginia teachers indoctrina­ting children, you’d think we’d have heard about it.

... In a truly Orwellian situation, people would actually have to follow new linguistic edicts instead of being able to laugh at them.

But it does irritate me, because it’s so counterpro­ductive. “It’s not scary; it’s just ridiculous” is not a winning political argument.

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