Hamilton Journal News



Today’s South was one of those “self-made” players who will proudly assert that he has never read a book on bridge.

Against four spades, the defense quickly cashed three heart tricks, and West then led the three of diamonds. The self-made declarer won with the ace and took the queen and ace of trumps. When West discarded, all the inborn “card sense” in the world wouldn’t have helped South; he had to lose a trump to East for down one.

If South told me he’d never read a bridge book, I might have said, “Yes, it shows.” Anyone can say he’s self-made, but South should have called in someone else to play this contract.

After South takes the ace of diamonds, he should take the ace of clubs, ruff a club and cash the A-Q of trumps. When West discards, South ruffs another club and takes the K-Q of diamonds. Then the lead is in dummy at Trick 12, and South has the K-10 of trumps behind East’s J-9.

A winning player must acquire a knowledge of technique through reading.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: AK10652 108 3 AK6 9. The dealer, at your right, opens one diamond. You bid one spade, and your partner bids two hearts. The opponents pass. What do you say?

ANSWER: Some pairs treat a new-suit “advance” of an overcall as neither forcing nor encouragin­g; with a good hand, the advancer must cue-bid the opponent’s suit. Even if that is your style, raise to four hearts. Partner needs only a decent heart suit to have a chance.

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