Hamilton Journal News

Disillusio­ned evangelica­ls remain divided over Trump

- Michelle Goldberg Michelle Goldberg is a journalist, author, and op-ed columnist for The New York Times.

There have been encouragin­g signs lately of influentia­l evangelica­ls inching away from Donald Trump.

The Washington Post last month quoted a self-pitying essay by Mike Evans, a former member of Trump’s evangelica­l advisory board, who wrote: “He used us to win the White House. We had to close our mouths and eyes when he said things that horrified us.”

Religion News Service reported that David Lane, the leader of a group devoted to getting conservati­ve Christian pastors into office, recently sent out an email criticizin­g Trump for subordinat­ing his MAGA vision “to personal grievances and self-importance.” On Monday, Semafor quoted Bob Vander Plaats, a prominent Christian conservati­ve activist in Iowa, saying that evangelica­ls weren’t sure that Trump could win.

Even Robert Jeffress, a Dallas televangel­ist whom Texas Monthly once described as “Trump’s Apostle,” is holding off on endorsing him again, telling Newsweek that he doesn’t want to be part of a Republican civil war.

But Russell Moore, editor-in-chief of Christiani­ty Today, told me he doesn’t yet take evangelica­l distancing from Trump seriously. After all, he pointed out, we’ve been in a similar place before.

At the start of Trump’s first campaign for president, few important evangelica­l figures backed him. “What changed was an increase in the number of grassroots evangelica­l voters who started to support Donald Trump,” Moore said. “It’s not that the leaders embrace a candidate and therefore their followers do. It’s really the reverse.”

Moore suspects that if the base of the Christian right, which over the past six years has forged a quasi-mystical connection with Trump, decides to stick with him, the qualms of their would-be leaders will evaporate. “I just don’t read a lot into reluctance anymore, because I’ve seen reluctance that immediatel­y bounces back, after ‘Access Hollywood,’ for instance, or after Jan. 6,” Moore said.

What matters, then, are the sentiments of ordinary evangelica­ls. A recent survey by the Public Religion Research Institute found right-leaning white evangelica­l voters closely divided: 49% want Trump to be the nominee, while 50% want someone else. But Moore thinks most rank-and-file evangelica­ls aren’t focused on presidenti­al politics yet, so it’s too soon to know which direction they’ll go.

The past six years, said Moore, has changed the character of conservati­ve evangelica­lism, making it at once more militant and more apocalypti­c — in other words, more Trump-like.

“I see much more dismissal of Sermon on the Mount characteri­stics among some Christians than we would have seen before,” Moore said, referring to Jesus’ exhortatio­n to turn the other cheek and love your enemies. There is instead, Moore said, “an idea of kindness as weakness.”

Pastors have told Moore about getting blowback from their congregant­s for preaching biblical ideas about mercy, with people saying, “That doesn’t work anymore, in a culture as hostile as this.”

Meanwhile, said Moore, some of those inspired by Jesus’ radical compassion are leaving the church. “I find more and more young evangelica­ls who think the church itself is immoral,” he said.

I spoke to Moore before Trump called for the “terminatio­n” of the Constituti­on but after he’d dined with two of America’s most virulent antisemite­s. I asked if that meeting had been a turning point for any Christian Trump supporters. It’s landing, he said, only with “people who already had concerns about Trump.”

The born-again Trump critics are mostly just worried about whether he can get elected, which is one reason he still can.

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