Hamilton Journal News

Turn right on red to save on gas bill


Dear Heloise: You can save on your gasoline bill by utilizing the “turn right on red” option. Instead of using gasoline to idle at a light for 30 to 60 seconds, just go straight and use the same gasoline to move you forward toward your destinatio­n.

You can further save by planning out your trips that tend to be in a circle and using the “right on red” choice, rather than sitting in a left turning lane and waiting for the light to change or a space in traffic. A national parcel delivery used these tricks, and they saved quite a bit of money. — Dale, Dayton, Ohio

Don’t throw it out

Dear Heloise: Many of your readers’ suggestion­s end with the phrase: “Just throw out when you are done.” Please remind people that many of the things they are throwing out can be recycled. — Holly Eaton-Bradfield, Little Rock, Arkansas

Wilted vegetables

Dear Heloise: Regarding the letter on wilted veggies, I choose to put them in the freezer. When I am making a stew, a soup or even a canned meal, I add some of these so that nothing gets wasted, especially tomatoes gone soft. When cooking rice or pasta, I make extra and freeze so that they can also be added to soups and stews. — Mary Rogers, San Antonio

Returning to sender

Dear Heloise: H.R.B. of Seabrook, New Jersey, wrote in about how he handles junk mail that includes a return envelope. He said that on the envelope, he writes “dead” or “moved.” I do something much simpler, providing that it is a self-addressed, stamped envelope. I merely seal the envelope without placing anything in it and mail it back. That will likely displease the sender, who has to pay

r postage both ways. — Diane, Woodland Hills, California

Laying parchment paper

Dear Heloise: I love using parchment paper when baking, but I always had trouble keeping the corners down. Finally, a friend of mine told me to use magnets — small dime-sized ones — on the corners of my pans when I bake cookies. Once I have the unbaked cookies on the parchment, I just remove the magnets. (One time, I forgot to remove them, and the heated metal of the magnets burned the cookies nearest to them.) — Carrie-Ann B., Valdosta, Georgia

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to Heloise@Heloise. com. I can’t answer your letter personally, but will use the best hints received in my column.

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