Hamilton Journal News

New Speaker grasps for funding plan with shutdown looming

- By Stephen Groves and Kevin Freking

WASHINGTON — With just a week left to avert a government shutdown, new House Speaker Mike Johnson is facing his first big test as he tries to win House Republican support for a short-term funding plan — a task that looks increasing­ly difficult amid stubborn divisions in the party over federal spending.

Federal agencies are making plans for a shutdown that would shutter government services and halt paychecks for millions of federal workers and military troops.

It’s a disruption that Johnson — just two weeks into his job running the House — has said he wants to avoid. Yet House lawmakers left Wash- ington for the weekend with- out a plan in hand after sev- eral setbacks. Johnson is still sounding out support among Republican­s about what to do and is expected to unveil funding legislatio­n over the weekend, according to Repub- licans granted anonymity to discuss internal deliberati­ons.

The shrinking calen- dar gives Johnson, a Loui- siana Republican who has vaulted from the lower ranks of Republican leadership to the speaker’s office, a narrow window to corral an unpre- dictable GOP conference.

“We’re running up against the clock on Nov. 17, and we’re obviously aware of that,” John- son said this week, referring to the date that government funding expires. “But we are going to get the job done.”

Hardline conservati­ves, usually loathe to support tem- porary spending measures of any sort, had indicated they would give Johnson some leeway to pass legislatio­n, known as a continuing reso- lution, to give Congress more time to negotiate a long-term agreement. Congress passed a 47-day continuing resolu- tion in October, but the fall- out was severe. Kevin McCarthy was booted from the speakershi­p days later, and the House was effectivel­y par- alyzed for most of the month while Republican­s tried to elect a replacemen­t.

Republican­s eventually were unanimous in electing Johnson speaker, but his ele- vation has hardly eased the dynamic that led to McCar- thy’s removal — a conference torn on policy as well as how much to spend on federal pro- grams. This week, Republi- cans had to pull two spend- ing bills from the floor — one to fund transporta­tion and housing programs and the other to fund the Treasury Department, Small Business Administra­tion and other agencies — because they didn’t have the votes in their own party to push them through the House.

“I thought we were going to show the speaker a little bit of grace,” said a frustrated Rep. Troy Nehls, R-Texas, as he exited the Capitol Thurs- day after the last votes of the week. “I think it’s looking like we’re still confused and we are not united.”

Johnson has turned to House Republican­s for ideas on how to win support for a continuing resolution. He has floated the obscure idea of a “laddered” approach that would fund some parts of the government until early December and other federal department­s until mid-Jan- uary. He has also raised the idea of a funding package that would last into January.

Meanwhile, lawmakers are still looking for a way to nego- tiate final passage of aid for Israel in its war with Hamas, and Johnson has also proposed the formation of a new federal commission focused on slowing increases in the national debt that threaten the government’s ability in future years to finance the military and major entitlemen­t programs relied on by seniors and the disabled.

Democrats have made it clear they will not support any funding packages that include policy wins for conservati­ves. Rep. Hakeem Jeffries of New York, who the Democratic leader in the House, said they would not “pay a single, right-wing ransom demand” as part of a funding resolution.

Democratic lawmakers are also eager to play up the House Republican divisions and to pin any blame for a shutdown squarely on the new speaker and his GOP colleagues.

“They are a divided, divisive, dysfunctio­nal majority,” said Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md. “They can’t get their business done, to the detriment of Americans.”

On the other side of the Capitol, the Democratic-held Senate took procedural steps Thursday that would allow it to take up a continuing resolution in time to avoid a partial shutdown. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said negotiatio­ns could evolve in the coming days, but added that a shutdown cannot be avoided without bipartisan cooperatio­n.

“I implore Speaker Johnson and our House Republican colleagues to learn from the fiasco of a month ago: Hard-right proposals, hardright slashing cuts, hard-right poison pills that have zero support from Democrats will only make a shutdown more likely,” Schumer said. “I hope they don’t go down that path in the week to come.”

 ?? J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE / ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Speaker of the House Mike Johnsonis facing his first big test as he tries to win House Republican support for a short-term funding plan to avert a government shutdown.
J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE / ASSOCIATED PRESS Speaker of the House Mike Johnsonis facing his first big test as he tries to win House Republican support for a short-term funding plan to avert a government shutdown.

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