Hamilton Journal News

At COP28, sticking points remain on fossil fuels

- By Sibi Arasu, Seth Borenstein and Jon Gambrell

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Negotiator­s have been urged to narrow down their options so they can agree on how to save Earth from disastrous levels of warming and help vulnerable societies adapt to weather extremes as the clock runs down on United Nations climate talks.

COP28 President Sultan al-Jaber told journalist­s on Sunday that negotiator­s were “making good progress,” just not fast enough. So he borrowed from Arab culture and convened a majlis on Sunday afternoon, a new format for talks where he was bringing ministers from all countries to sit together for a meeting, more as a conversati­on. He begged them to leave their objections and talking points behind.

“I want everyone to come ready to be flexible and to accept compromise,” he said, as protesters could be heard nearby calling for the end of fossil fuels. “Failure or lack of progress or watering down my ambition is not an option.”

The new format seemed to work better than other methods, getting frank and deep discussion­s, said Trinidad and Tobago’s Kishan Kumarsingh.

“I see it as being designed to draw us out of our comfort zones and have a free and candid and heart-toheart exchange,” Bangladesh climate envoy Saber Chowdhury said. “The idea was that we come into it with questions, concerns and fears and come out of it with solutions.”

Wopke Hoekstra, the EU climate commission­er, repeated calls for a fossil fuel phase-out at the majlis.

Hoekstra said he noticed “a super majority” of countries, representi­ng the vast majority of the world supporting strong language to phase-out fossil fuels: “Their statements are in line with scientific advice and it is our obligation to make sure we follow them.”

Earlier Sunday, a new draft for an agreement on global adaptation goals — which will determine how poor countries will brace themselves for climate change-fueled weather extremes like drought, heat and storms — was released.

The new draft “presents the skeleton of what could be a reasonable framework” on how to adapt to climate change, said Ana Mulio Alvarez of climate think tank E3G, but to be effective, adapting to climate change “requires developed countries to provide support to developing countries” to actually enact plans, which wasn’t in the draft.

Sticking points for the Global Stocktake — the part of the negotiatio­ns that assesses where the world is at with curbing warming and how countries can stick to climate goals — are along familiar lines.

“It’s very clear that there is a group of countries here that don’t want to phase out fossil fuels,” said German climate envoy Jennifer Morgan. Small island states, Latin American countries and European countries are pushing for a phase-out, but other nations are “still far apart” Morgan said late Saturday.

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