Hamilton Journal News

Why should we buy new things?

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Dear Heloise: I’m known as a young profession­al, and I use my cellphone sev- eral times a day. A few days ago, a co-worker asked me why I hadn’t updated my phone to a newer model -- something “more hip” to impress the clients, he told me. Honestly, I’m not interested in impressing anyone with the phone I use. My current phone is not even 2 years old and does everything I need it to do.

Most of my co-workers drive very expensive cars, for which they had to go into debt to buy.

The majority of them are always complainin­g that the repairs, upkeep and insurance costs are putting a real strain on their income.

So, why do they buy these overpriced luxury vehicles? Just to impress the boss and clients? A few even go so far as to rent cars because they can’t afford to own a luxury car.

I, on the other hand, own a 3-year-old car that looks like it’s brand-new. I’ve been urged to get a newer car, and I might at the end of 2024 or 2025. But I’m not in a hurry, and it won’t be an expensive car that is beyond my means.

Maybe I’m out of step with others in my generation, but I like to live within my means. If I don’t have the latest version of something, so what?! —

M.R.K., well said. If debt is keeping you awak at night, you might want to talk to a financial advi sor or an attorney to see how you can get a handle on your finances. It’s nice to have a shiny, new object, but it’s not fun to worry about how you w pay for it. —


want to have a garage sale, but I haven’t done this before. What should I know and do to make it successful? —

Maddie, follow these steps:

Clean everything you plan to sell and firmly attach a sticker with a price on it to each item.

Have lots of boxes, bags, newspaper and Bubble Wrap.

Have plenty of $1 bills and change.

Have one person who is in charge of the cashbox. You’ll probably need another two or three friends who are willing to help you, but the person with the cashbox should never leave it unattended.

As a security precaution, lock the doors to your home, and don’t allow anyone to enter the house to use your bathroom or try on clothing. Make no exceptions.

Be prepared to bargain with people over prices. An item is only worth what someone will pay for it. —

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