Hamilton Journal News

Memorial card works splendidly as a bookmark


When I read the hint about bookmarks in a recent New Hampshire Union Leader, it reminded me of what I do.

My beloved husband of 59 years and 4 months died in 2022. As most people do, I had memorial cards given out at his service. Since there is a minimum requiremen­t for printing, I had quite a few leftover.

After I had sent some to members of his family who could not attend since they lived so far away and are all in their 80s, I thought, “Hey, these could be bookmarks. I’ll use them that way.” Now every time I read a book, I see my dear husband and remember all of the great years that we had together.

For me, that is a happy thing, and I will do it until I meet him in heaven with our respective families.

— of clothes that needed to go on to the clotheslin­e. I was shown that you shouldn’t use two clothespin­s for each item, but instead overlap the end of one item with the next one on the clotheslin­e. This way, you would use less clothespin­s.

I grew up in South Central Texas where the humidity wasn’t so bad, so the clothes would dry in 15-20 minutes. I remember seeing a bird try to build its nest in the pocket of one of my blue jeans while they were on the line drying. I guess the bird thought it found a great opportunit­y. —

Stashing emergency cash

Jordan A. had a great suggestion on where to keep some emergency cash on hand at home. But there are many articles online about where burglars look first, and you don’t want to use those places. (For example, don’t use the freezer!)

— in the back of their throat. Some may even fall into pet food or water bowls.

Please remind parents and grandparen­ts to check their floors carefully after shopping. Thank you! —

Slivers of soap

A recent letter about slivers of soap suggested saving them in pouches. There is no need to do that.

Simply press the sliver against the new bar of soap when showering, and the suds will glue it to the new bar. I have not had a sliver of soap leftover in my house for 30 years. —

 ?? ?? Heloise

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