Hamilton Journal News

Both parties are neglecting big issues in U.S. education

- Nicholas Kristof is a columnist for The New York Times.

A Florida school district, facing pressure about “nudity” in schools, removed from shelves a picture book that showed an illustrati­on of a goblin’s bare bottom. Some students were saved from debauchery when school officials colored in a pair of pants on the goblin.

That’s a particular­ly nutty example from the newsletter “Popular Informatio­n” of a right-wing puritan drive in education: Conservati­ves are banning materials that mention gay people, racism or sexuality, skewing the teaching of history and students’ understand­ing of society.

“The freedom to read is under assault in the United States — particular­ly in public schools,” PEN America warned in a report last year.

Conservati­ves argue that the crisis in American schools is the opposite:

It’s about leftist teachers propagandi­zing on critical race theory and pronouns while denying them safe bathrooms.

Donald Trump has promised to defund “any school that’s pushing critical race theory, transgende­r insanity and any other inappropri­ate racial, sexual or political content on our children.” He added: “This is what must be done to save our country from destructio­n.”

My sympathies in the censorship battles are with the liberal watchdogs, but to me both left and right are missing the point.

The peril for America’s children is not bare goblin buttocks, nor is it goblins being clothed. The central problem is simply that too many kids aren’t getting the education they need.

We get distracted by these culture wars, but what we should focus on is that only 32% of America’s fourth graders are proficient at reading, according to a national test referred to as “the nation’s report card.”

Likewise, American children’s math skills are dismal by global standards. In the PISA internatio­nal math test for 15-year-olds, U.S. students rank far behind the leaders (Singapore, Macao, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea) and also well behind peer countries including Canada, the Netherland­s, Britain and Poland.

If education is one of the best metrics to forecast where countries will be in 25 or 50 years, as I believe, then we are hurting our children.

My fellow liberals like to fulminate at conservati­ves for neglecting children and provoking culture wars, but the left also gets in the way of education. Democrats significan­tly harmed children with prolonged school closures during the pandemic.

Excessive school closures caused a huge educationa­l setback. American children still have not nearly caught up in either reading or math, and children in poor districts suffered the most.

San Francisco is a window into progressiv­ism that doesn’t result in educationa­l progress. In 2021, instead of focusing on reopening schools, the city’s school board undertook an effort to rename 44 schools that carried the names of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and others who were considered tainted. The school board eventually backed off after widespread mockery.

In 2014, the San Francisco school board also barred the teaching of algebra in eighth grade. Officials worried that white and Asian students were disproport­ionately getting on the higher math track, so the school district decided to hold everyone back.

This policy made things worse. Affluent parents hired tutors for their kids, so the Black-white and Hispanic-white education gaps widened. After the policy was instituted, Black 11th graders performed on math tests roughly the same as typical fifth graders, according to the Harvard journal Education Next. That’s shameful — not for those kids, but for the San Francisco school district.

Here’s a scandal I wish got half as much attention as culture war battles: The graduation rate for Bureau of Indian Education high schools is only 53%. Fixing that would be a big step toward breaking cycles of poverty in Native communitie­s.

We are setting up too many kids for failure, and instead of focusing on that crisis, we adults are screaming at one another over whether to ban books that, at this rate, too many kids won’t even be able to read.

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Nicholas Kristof

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