Hamilton Journal News

Learning how to navigate exclusivit­y in dating

- By Erika Ettin Erika Ettin is the founder of A Little Nudge, where she helps others navigate the often intimidati­ng world of online dating. Want to connect with Erika? Join her newsletter, eepurl.com/dpHcH, for updates and tips.

As a dating coach, I’m frequently asked questions about exclusivit­y in relationsh­ips — how to approach it, when to discuss it, and what to expect. I want to address two questions I got just today and offer some insights on how to handle these situations effectivel­y.

Question 1: I’ve been seeing someone for two and a half months and found out he’s still active on Hinge. How do I proceed?

My response to this one is pretty straightfo­rward: Did you find out that he’s still active on Hinge because you’re also still active on Hinge? Until you both agree to be exclusive, neither of you is in the wrong for being active on the dating sites and potentiall­y exploring other options. It sounds like what you’re really looking for is a conversati­on with him about exclusivit­y.

Question 2: I’ve been waiting three and a half months with no exclusivit­y. How long do I wait for him to bring it up?

My advice in this situation is also pretty clear: You have agency in your own dating life. Bring it up if and when you want to. You’ll get frustrated fast waiting around for someone who has no idea what’s on your mind.

For both, the question askers (both women) need to find the courage to bring up their desires and be prepared for the conversati­on to either go or not go the way they want. The person they are dating could simply say no, could say they’re not ready yet, or could say yes. It’s the fear of the former two that often prevents someone from broaching the topic. It often seems easier to live in the status quo than to risk not getting what you want. I advise taking that risk when you’re ready.

Then, of course, comes the question of how one might bring this up.

“I’ve really been enjoying all the time we’ve been spending together. I thought it might be nice to continue to do that without the distractio­n of dating other people… and because I kind of only want to date you. ;) How do you feel about that?”

The way this is phrased, you’re not only stating what you want (versus leaving it entirely in the other person’s hands), but you’re also opening the floor to have an honest conversati­on about where you are as a pair. It takes two people to be invested in a relationsh­ip, so the conversati­on about exclusivit­y also takes two active participan­ts.

I also want to add that it’s important, if you do decide to be exclusive with the person you’re seeing, to define exactly what “exclusivit­y” means to you. Does it mean that you pause your online dating accounts, or delete them permanentl­y? Does it mean that you introduce each other as “partner,” “girlfriend,” “boyfriend,” or something else? I have seen one too many scenarios where someone leaves the “exclusivit­y” talk confused or unsatisfie­d. Or thinking that now more time has to pass before labels are discussed. Once you’re in the thick of the conversati­on, say everything you want to say.

Defining the relationsh­ip (DTR) is a crucial step in any romantic connection. It’s about clarifying expectatio­ns, understand­ing each other’s needs, and ensuring both partners are on the same page moving forward. The first thing to remember is that there’s no one-sizefits-all approach. Every relationsh­ip is unique, and the timing of this conversati­on can vary, so it’s important to approach this conversati­on with open communicat­ion and honesty and not be beholden to arbitrary timelines.

Even after the conversati­on, continue to communicat­e openly and check in with each other regularly. Relationsh­ips evolve, and it’s essential to revisit as needed to ensure that you’re both still on the same page. Remember that defining the relationsh­ip and discussing exclusivit­y or otherwise is a continuous process that requires ongoing communicat­ion, trust and mutual respect.

 ?? TNS ?? Until you both agree to be exclusive in a relationsh­ip, neither party is wrong for being active on dating sites and potentiall­y exploring other options.
TNS Until you both agree to be exclusive in a relationsh­ip, neither party is wrong for being active on dating sites and potentiall­y exploring other options.

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