Hamilton Journal News

DeWine calls legislativ­e session to get Biden on Ohio ballot

Democrats oppose new rules for ballot initiative groups.

- By Daniel Susco, Josh Sweigart and Jeremy P. Kelley Staff Writers

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announced Thursday that he will call a special session of the state’s General Assembly next Tuesday in order to pass legislatio­n to allow President Joe Biden to appear on the ballot as well as to ban cam- paign spending from foreign nationals on ballot issues.

In doing so, he called upon Article III, section 8 of the Ohio constituti­on, which allows the governor to convene a special session of the legislatur­e on “extraordin­ary occasions” where only certain measures will be discussed.

“This is simply unaccept- able,” the governor said, say- ing that time was running out for legislatio­n to pass to allow both major president al candi- dates to appear on the ballot.

“It’s important that when [Ohio voters] go to cast their ballot that Joe Biden is on the ballot as well as Donald Trump,” he said.

He said that in the past the legislatur­e had passed shortterm fixes to deal with the problem, saying that they are “very easy to do.” The governor also said that there is a need for a long-term fix for this problem, but said, “For now, I will certainly be satisfied with a short-term fix.”

DeWine said that the special session would need to be early next week, saying that Ohio is “right up against the wall” on timing to fix this problem, and would need to have it done by Wednesday.

“I have waited, I have been patient, but my patience has run out,” he said.

Reporters questioned DeW- ine’s including the measure to ban foreign money from state ballot initiative campaigns, a measure that previously stopped the ballot fix from passing when it was added to the bill by Senate Republican­s, due to opposition from Ohio Democrats and divisions among the state’s Republican legislator­s.

DeWine repeatedly defended including the mea- sure in the special session, saying he thought it was import- ant to ban money from peo- ple who aren’t Ohio citizens from being used for Ohio bal- lot campaigns. Democrats said the Ohio Elections Commission already ruled that for- eign nationals donating to bal- lot campaigns is prohibited.

The Associated Press reported that the measure came a year after money tied to a Swiss billionair­e was used to boost the campaign to enshrine abortion rights in the Ohio constituti­on.

Ohio Senate President Matt Huffman on Wednesday said that their proposal to include a foreign spending ban in a bill allowing Biden on the ballot is “a classic compro- mise bill. Dems want Biden on the ballot. The Republi- cans would like to keep for- eign money out of our state- wide elections.”

Asked by a reporter why a compromise was needed — why Republican­s wouldn’t want Biden on the ballot — Huffman said: “Not all Repub- licans think the same things all the time. Same as Dem- ocrats. Same as reporters, I bet. And there are a lot of people who simply weren’t going to vote for a freestand- ing bill that put Joe Biden on the ballot.”

The Ohio Democratic Party has expressed frustra- tion that Republican­s are try- ing to extract a quid-pro-quo agreement regarding passage of Senate Bill 215 rather than passing a simple bill to put Biden on the ballot.

A Democratic Party spokes- man said language in SB 215 would put new burdens on groups trying to get con- stitutiona­l amendments or initiative petitions on the ballot, including requiring those groups to file as Politi- cal Action Committees with tracking of campaign finance.

The Democratic spokes- man said Republican­s are trying to make it harder for everyday Ohioans to create ballot issues, at a time when a Republican supermajor­ity controls what laws pass or even come up for a vote in the legislatur­e. He said cit- izen-led ballot issues are a crucial tool, pointing to the recent votes on abortion and marijuana where a majority of Ohioans showed they want policies that the legislatur­e will not even pursue.

“Throughout this process, corrupt GOP politician­s in Columbus have prevented Ohioans from choosing who they want to be president, politicize­d the process and used it to play political games with Ohioans’ ability to hold their government account- able,” Ohio Democratic Party Chair Elizabeth Wal- ters wrote in a statement. She also urged the passage of the Ohio Anti-Corruption Act, which she said “would require

k money groups to ident fy their funders, disclose their spending, and strengthen the ban on foreign money.

ters cal ed for a clean bill to put Joe Biden on the ballot, but added, “despite Republican­s’ political gamesmansh­ip, we’re confident Joe Biden wi l be on the Ohio ballot.”

Senator J.D. Vance sup- ported DeWine’s call for a special session, calling the inclusion of the foreign funding measure in the session a “reasonable compromise.” He also claimed that Trump would defeat Biden either way, but said that “a lot of Trump voters might sit at home if there isn’t a real presidenti­al race,” which could hurt Republican candidates in other races.

In a release, Ohio Republican Party Communicat­ions Director Dan Lusheck said that the party agreed “wholeheart­edly” with the decision to call an emergency session to place President Joe Biden on the ballot.

“We, along wi h our Senate nominee Bernie Moreno, Senator JD Vance, and countless other Republican­s, strongly support the idea that Ohioans deserve the opportunit­y to cast their votes for their preferred major-party candidate and that we also deserve to have elections that are free from foreign financial interests. We encourage all legislator­s to get this done for the good of all Ohioans.”

The problem with getting President Biden on the ballot came about due to the timing of the Democratic National Convention, which wi l be held Aug. 19-22 in Chicago. Ohio’s ballot deadline is Aug. 7.

 ?? ?? Gov. Mike DeWine called a special session of the Ohio General Assembly to pass a fix for the presidenti­al ballot as well as to pass a controvers­ial ballot initiative campaign measure on Thursday.
Gov. Mike DeWine called a special session of the Ohio General Assembly to pass a fix for the presidenti­al ballot as well as to pass a controvers­ial ballot initiative campaign measure on Thursday.

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