Hartford Courant (Sunday)

Pope worries about homosexual­ity in clergy


Pope Francis has been quoted in a soon-to-be published book as saying that having gays in the clergy “is something that worries me” and remarking that some societies are considerin­g homosexual­ity a “fashionabl­e” lifestyle.

Italian daily Corriere della Sera’s website Sat- urday ran excerpts of the book in the form of an interview in August that Francis gave a Spanishbor­n missionary priest, Fernando Prado, about religious vocations.

Francis was quoted as describing homosexual­ity within the walls of seminaries, convents and other religious places where clergy live as “a very serious question.”

Still, Francis, as he has in the past, stressed that gay Catholics contribute to the life of the church.

The book “The Strength of Vocation” will be published in 10 languages this week.

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