Hartford Courant (Sunday)


find peace by avoiding life.”

- By Tarot.com

Aries (March 21-April

19): Your natural tendency to hit the ground running encounters resistance, as what you need to accomplish appears to take more vitality than you can muster. As counter-intuitive as it sounds, the key to overcoming your opposition to doing anything is emotional self-expression.

Taurus (April 20-May

20): Growing tension with friends or within your community may reach its zenith today. Don’t be shocked if long-buried opinions are fervently vocalized in the heat of the moment. This emotional intensity could be a lot to process, but there’s no need to fear conflict.

Gemini (May 21-June

20): Work is bound to get busy now, and you may have taken on more responsibi­lity than you can handle within your time constraint­s. It’s best to focus deeply on a few projects, rather than spreading yourself too thin on more activities than time will allow.

Cancer (June 21-July

22): Despite all you need to get done in the world, there is a pull to curl up on your couch and spin a web of tranquilit­y. Both your sense of home and the physical structure in which you live provide respite from a hectic day. Virginia Woolf wrote, “You cannot

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22):

Your playful personalit­y seems harder to access now, and even you might not know why. You may appear emotionall­y restrained to those around you, especially in your romantic life. The tension between collaborat­ing and wanting to do your own thing is healthy.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept.

22): Your hidden agenda takes up much of your intellectu­al focus as unfinished conversati­ons circle back around today. Gossipy Mercury has newly stumbled back into your 3rd House of Communicat­ion. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and expect nothing.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct.

22): Although someone may question your authority, your natural empathy for the well-being of others is fastidious­ly potent and aids you in refuting any naysayers. You are a formidable force of nature when working on behalf of justice and love.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov.

21): Your ingenuity unearths new resources and provides tools for navigating unexpected conflicts. Your wants and needs are amplified with a magnetic intensity as sensual Venus merges into mysterious Scorpio. Truman Fletcher wrote, “The pause is as important as the note.”

Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22

Dec. 21): You’re in a onestep-forward-two-stepsback dynamic with family members, preventing you from making any progress in domestic squabbles. Some degree of tension can inspire you to create your own sanctuary, and, if acted upon, a calm and proactive home life is within your reach.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan.

19): If your feelings go unexpresse­d today, the stressful interplay between level-headed Saturn and the ambivalent Libra

Moon could lead to bitterness. Work relations improve when you foster space for the needs of the group. Unity is found in community.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb.

18): Plans with friends may fall through because they can’t agree on how to spend the evening. You likely don’t know why someone might bail early; jumping to conclusion­s will only detract from your own enjoyment. Being grateful inspires you to follow your bliss.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March

20): Your motivation seems to disappear like a melting candle today. Mischievou­s retrograde Mercury has tumbled back into your 9th House of Higher Truths. This cosmic shift is urging you to dive deeper into the recesses of your mind and explore your philosophi­cal view of life.

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