Hartford Courant (Sunday)

You can repair the cracks — and have fun doing it


French cleat where the every 24 inches vertically. fresh stucco is locked into Stagger the fasteners each the mesh androw.can’tslideoff down the wall to the Now comes the fun part: ground. Believe me, it will applying the stucco. You make sense when you see can discover all sorts of the mesh. recipes for this material,

Attach the mesh to your but I’ve had the best sucwood test wall using galvacess with this one I develnized roofing nails. Be sure oped: you nail into the wood 1.5 parts Portland cement studs behind the OSB. 0.5 parts of hydrated lime When you apply this mesh 4 parts medium or fine to your existing stucco, sand depending on the final you’ll be drilling inch texture holes with a hammer drill Blend these materials and using anchors, screws, together dry at first. Then and washers to ensure the add clean, cold water until mesh will never come off you get the mix the consisthe concrete block. Put the tency of stiff applesauce. fasteners every 16 inches on You then trowel in onto the center horizontal­ly and wire mesh so it fills the mesh and covers it by no more than inch.

Do your test in the shade so the stucco doesn’t set too fast. Don’t add more water to the mix if it starts to harden. Mix only as much stucco as you can apply and finish in about 30 minutes. Practice swirling the stucco with a wood float and experiment with textures.

You’re going to discover that it can be boatloads of fun to tackle this project. Guess what? You can color the stucco too. You can add dry-shake pigments to the mix to create just about any color. This means you never have to paint the new stucco.

 ??  ?? TIM CARTER

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