Hartford Courant (Sunday)

Ceylon cinnamon has hand in controllin­g blood sugar

- By Joe Graedon and Teresa Graedon In their column, Joe and Teresa Graedon answer letters from readers. Send questions to them via www. peoplespha­rmacy.com.

Q: I’ve just bought a pound of Ceylon cinnamon, since that is supposed to have the least coumarin and be best for lowering blood sugar. Unfortunat­ely, I can’t find anything on dosage — just that “too high doses are risky.” Do you have specific recommenda­tions? I am a woman of 67 who needs to lose about 30 pounds.

A: A pound of Ceylon cinnamon will last you a very long time. A systematic review and metaanalys­is of 35 clinical trials found that doses of 1.5 grams or more of cinnamon lowered total cholestero­l, triglyceri­des, LDL cholestero­l and serum glucose and insulin (Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, March 19, 2021).

We were curious how to measure 1.5 grams of powdered cinnamon, so we got out our sensitive kitchen scales. We found that teaspoon weighed just over 2.5 grams (2.6 in one try, 2.8 in another, discrepanc­y no doubt due to kitchen measuremen­t technique). We conclude that teaspoon cinnamon daily would be enough to help lower blood sugar if someone were following a sensible low-carb diet. Please have your health care provider monitor your progress.

You are correct that Ceylon cinnamon has the least coumarin, a compound found in some cinnamon bark that can be toxic to the liver (Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, December 2019). Overall, Ceylon cinnamon has the best activity profile for controllin­g blood sugar.

Q: You’ve published some anecdotes about vitamin B1 to repel mosquitoes, and I’ll add my story to your collection. The mosquitoes have been eating people alive this year far worse than usual, swarming like nothing I’ve ever seen before. I’ve been bitten mercilessl­y, as has my family.

I started taking thiamine as an experiment; the rest of my family has not. They’re still being bitten bloody, and I haven’t had more than three bites since two days after the first dose.

A: Thanks for your testimonia­l. For decades, anecdotes were all we had on this topic. Now, however, Egyptian scientists have come up with a topical formulatio­n of vitamin B1 that is effective as a mosquito repellent (Journal of Pharmaceut­ical Sciences, Aug. 3, 2021). In this study, nanosphere­s of thiamine were applied to skin. Surprising­ly, this hydrogel was as effective as DEET.

This doesn’t answer the question whether

oral thiamine is an effective repellent, but it does suggest that there is something in this vitamin that mosquitos don’t like.

Q: Why don’t you mention the Indian herb mix Triphala for constipati­on? Triphala consists of Haritaki, Bibhitaki and amla. It is used in traditiona­l Ayurvedic medicine to prevent disease and treat several symptoms, including constipati­on and inflammati­on.

A: Triphala (TLP) is indeed a popular Ayurvedic remedy. In fact, according to Dr. Deepak Chopra and his colleagues, this triple-fruit mixture “is a cornerston­e of gastrointe­stinal and rejuvenati­ve treatment” (Journal of Alternativ­e and Complement­ary Medicine, Aug. 1, 2017). The polyphenol­s in these plants promote a healthy gut microbiome and encourage regularity.

 ?? DREAMSTIME ?? A review found that doses of 1.5 grams or more of cinnamon lowered total cholestero­l.
DREAMSTIME A review found that doses of 1.5 grams or more of cinnamon lowered total cholestero­l.

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