Hartford Courant (Sunday)

Dauphinais’ Hitler comment is horrible


No, not the coronaviru­s, but the Trump virus. It seems most Republican­s in Connecticu­t have managed to not become infected with Trumpism, but Rep. Anne Dauphinais seems to have caught it [Connecticu­t, Page 1, Oct. 11, “Lawmaker doubles down on controvers­ial Hitler remark”]. For her in any way to compare Gov. Ned Lamont to Hitler is surely a sign that she might be joining many other Republican­s who have lost their ability to make sound and sane statements.

Vincent Curcuru, Simsbury

 ?? STEPHEN DUNN/HARTFORD COURANT ?? A vial of the Pfizer vaccine used at The Reservoir nursing facility in West Hartford, the first Connecticu­t nursing home to receive COVID-19 vaccinatio­ns, in December 2020.
STEPHEN DUNN/HARTFORD COURANT A vial of the Pfizer vaccine used at The Reservoir nursing facility in West Hartford, the first Connecticu­t nursing home to receive COVID-19 vaccinatio­ns, in December 2020.

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