Hartford Courant (Sunday)

Israeli settlers’ special status at risk

Those in occupied West Bank could face military rule

- By Joseph Krauss

JERUSALEM — Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank may soon get a taste of the military rule that Palestinia­ns have been living under for 55 years.

If Israel’s parliament does not act, a special legal status accorded to the settlers will expire at the end of the month.

While few expect things to reach that point, the looming deadline has put Israel’s government on the brink of collapse and drawn dire warnings.

“Without this law, it would be a disaster,” said Israel Ganz, governor of the Benyamin Regional Council, a cluster of settlement­s just outside Jerusalem. “The Israeli government will lose any control here. No police, no taxes.”

For over half a century, Israel has repeatedly renewed regulation­s that today extend a legal umbrella to nearly 500,000 settlers — but not to the more than 2.5 million Palestinia­ns in the West Bank. After failing to pass last Monday, the bill will be brought for another vote in the Knesset this week in a last-ditch effort to save the governing coalition — and the legal arrangemen­t.

The law underpins separate legal systems for Jews and Palestinia­ns in the West Bank, a situation that three major human rights groups say amounts to apartheid. Israel rejects that allegation as an attack on its legitimacy.

“This is the piece of legislatio­n that enables apartheid,” said Jessica Montell, director of the Israeli human rights group HaMoked, which provides legal aid to Palestinia­ns. “The whole settlement enterprise depends on them enjoying all the rights and benefits of

being Israelis even though they are in occupied territory.”

An overwhelmi­ng majority in the Knesset support maintainin­g the separate systems. The main reason the bill didn’t pass was that the nationalis­t opposition — which strongly supports it — refused to vote in favor in an attempt to bring down Israel’s broad-based but fragile coalition government. In a similar vein, anti-settlement lawmakers voted in favor of the legislatio­n to keep the coalition afloat.

Israel captured the West Bank in the 1967 Mideast war and has built more than 130 settlement­s there, many of which resemble small towns. The Palestinia­ns want the West Bank to form the main part of their future state. Most countries view the settlement­s as a violation of internatio­nal law.

Israel refers to the West Bank by its biblical name, Judea and Samaria, and

considers it the heartland of the Jewish people. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett supports settlement expansion and is opposed to Palestinia­n statehood. Israel officially views the West Bank as disputed territory whose fate is subject to negotiatio­ns, which collapsed more than a decade ago.

The emergency regulation­s, first enacted in 1967 and regularly renewed, extend much of Israeli law to West Bank settlers — but not to the territory itself.

“Applying the law to the territory could be considered as annexing the territory, with all the political consequenc­es that Israel did not want to have,” said Liron Libman, a research fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute and a former top Israeli military prosecutor.

Failure to renew the bill by the end of June would have far-reaching consequenc­es.

The Israel Bar Associatio­n requires lawyers and judges to reside in the country. Without the law’s carve-out, settlers would not be able to practice law in Israeli courts. That would include two Supreme Court justices, one of whom recently upheld an order to forcibly relocate hundreds of Palestinia­ns.

The bill’s lapse could also result in more settlers who run afoul of the law being tried in military courts — something Israel authoritie­s have long tried to reserve for Palestinia­n suspects.

The settlers could lose their ability to use national health insurance for treatment inside the West Bank, and the ability to update their status in the population registry and get national ID cards — something routinely denied to Palestinia­ns.

The law also provides a legal basis for Israel to jail thousands of Palestinia­ns who have been convicted by military courts in prisons

inside Israel, despite internatio­nal law prohibitin­g the transfer of prisoners out of occupied territory. The law’s lapse could force Israel to move those prisoners back to the West Bank, where there is one Israeli prison.

The various consequenc­es are seen as so catastroph­ic that many Israelis expect the bill to pass or the government to be replaced. It’s also possible that Israeli authoritie­s, who often bend to the settlers’ demands, will find workaround­s to blunt the worst effects.

“I’m not worried,” said Ganz, the settler leader. “It’s like when you owe the bank 1 million dollars, you are worried about it, but when you owe 1 billion, the bank manager is worried.”

Asked if the separate legal systems amount to apartheid, Ganz said: “I agree with you, 100%.”

His preferred solution is that Israel annex what’s known as Area C, the 60% of the West Bank where, under interim peace accords, Israel already exercises complete control. Area C includes the settlement­s, as well as rural areas that are home to some 300,000 Palestinia­ns, according to the U.N.

Most Palestinia­ns live in Areas A and B — scattered, disconnect­ed population centers where the Palestinia­n Authority exercises limited self-rule.

“It’s strange that different population­s in the same area have different laws,” Ganz said. “So we have to bring Israeli law to everyone here in Area C.”

Two years ago, Israel’s then-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu flirted with annexation before putting it on hold as part of an agreement with the United Arab Emirates to normalize relations.

The Palestinia­ns, and much of the internatio­nal community, view annexation as a violation of internatio­nal law that would deal a fatal blow to any hope for a two-state solution, still widely seen internatio­nally as the only way to resolve the Israeli-Palestinia­n conflict.

Netanyahu, now opposition leader, and his allies strongly support the West Bank bill but hope its defeat will speed his return to power. The coalition cannot pass it on its own because a handful of lawmakers — mainly Palestinia­n citizens of Israel — refuse to vote for it.

The law may have been designed with an eventual partition in mind. But many Palestinia­ns see its longevity as proof that Israel was never serious about a two-state solution.

“They could have easily undone the occupation by just not passing this law, time and again,” said Diana Buttu, a Palestinia­n lawyer and former adviser to the Palestinia­n Authority. “It gets passed by the left, and it gets passed by the right. That’s why this idea of two states is such a fiction.”

 ?? MAYA ALLERUZZO/AP ?? An Israeli soldier secures a bus stop while Israeli settlers wait for a ride Thursday at the Gush Etzion transporta­tion hub for a number of West Bank Jewish settlement­s. Israeli settlers in the West Bank could soon face military rule.
MAYA ALLERUZZO/AP An Israeli soldier secures a bus stop while Israeli settlers wait for a ride Thursday at the Gush Etzion transporta­tion hub for a number of West Bank Jewish settlement­s. Israeli settlers in the West Bank could soon face military rule.

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