Hartford Courant (Sunday)

Abortion clinics, patients still need protection

- By Roxanne Sutocky Roxanne Sutocky is the director of community engagement at The Women’s Centers, a collective of independen­t clinics including Hartford GYN Center.

I work with the Hartford

GYN Center here in Connecticu­t, and when we saw the leak of a Supreme Court draft opinion overturnin­g Roe v. Wade, our clinic team was rattled. Our fears were becoming reality; we could soon lose the federal right to abortion access.

When I heard the news, I was heartbroke­n for the millions of people across the country whose state politician­s will now double down on their anti-abortion agenda, and I couldn’t help but be thankful that here in Connecticu­t, state laws will protect our right to abortion if Roe falls.

Abortion is legal and available in Connecticu­t, and independen­t clinics like ours are here to provide care. Amid nationwide threats to abortion access, our elected leaders in Connecticu­t are ensuring that we will be a safe haven for abortion access. Lawmakers recently passed HB 5414, a bill to help protect the rights and safety of patients who travel from states such as Texas and Oklahoma to Connecticu­t for abortions they can’t get in their home state, as well as the providers who care for them.

This legislatio­n is an important step in the right direction, but there’s still work that needs to be done to ensure abortion is not only legal but fully accessible in Connecticu­t.

Emboldened by an increase in anti-abortion legislatio­n and rhetoric nationwide, anti-abortion extremists are showing up in full force to harass people at clinics. What many people don’t realize is that these extremists are not peacefully protesting in public spaces, rather, they are hurling insults, threatenin­g violence, blocking access to entrances and creating an unsafe environmen­t for patients and providers at clinics.

Just last year, we had to move our Hartford clinic to a location in Bloomfield because an anti-abortion “crisis pregnancy center” opened next to our clinic, going so far as to copy our name. This is not unique to our clinic — anti-abortion activists set up these kinds of operations across the country. We must educate our communitie­s about this and destigmati­ze abortion so extremists can no longer exploit misunderst­anding and stigma to trick people and block them from getting the health care they deserve.

It’s also time to build our power at the local level and call on our representa­tives to champion a bolder agenda for reproducti­ve justice that builds on and expands the protection­s in HB 5414. We need to protect abortion clinics grappling with the threat of harassment and violence by calling on our representa­tives to invest funding in clinic support. With adequate resources, we can ensure our clinics are secure and equip our volunteers and staff to monitor and document threats and harassment. Individual­ly, too, we can help donate resources and volunteer at independen­t clinics and abortion funds that play a critical role in our Connecticu­t community. We need to destigmati­ze abortion and give our friends, family and neighbors the informatio­n and resources they need to make informed decisions about if, when or how to parent.

I’ll continue showing up each day to support the abortion providers I work with as we connect people with care, but we need your support too. Now is the moment to talk to your friends, neighbors and co-workers about what’s at stake not only nationwide, but right here in Connecticu­t. We need your help to ensure that our clinics remain safe and we can continue to offer compassion­ate abortion care for all people in our state.

Abortion is essential health care. Abortion is about freedom, financial stability, gender equality and the autonomy to shape our lives the way we want to. It is one of the most important rights we have, and we must do everything in our power to protect it.

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