Hartford Courant (Sunday)

New novels about race find freedom in satire

Humor, surreal conceits used to explore racism, identity politics

- By Alexandra Alter

In Chinelo Okparanta’s new novel, a young white man is disgusted by his bigoted, smalltown parents. Some of his reactions are typical: He disavows their views and moves to New York City. Others, though, are decidedly strange: He starts calling himself G-Dawg, joins a self-help group for white people ashamed of their race — and begins to identify as a Black man from Africa.

Yes, Okparanta knows the premise might cause offense.

When she began working on a novel about wellmeanin­g white people who are blind to their own bigotry, Okparanta, who is Nigerian American, realized the topic was explosive. She was, after all, wading into a fraught debate about racism and identity politics at a moment when those issues were supercharg­ed by George Floyd’s murder and the protests that followed. So she resorted to satire.

Humor was the “safety measure I put in place so I didn’t have to endure accusation­s of trying to write whiteness,” she said. “I’m not attempting to write whiteness in any real way. I am writing about the pain that has been endured by being on the other side of whiteness.”

The resulting book, “Harry Sylvester Bird,” recently published by Mariner Books, is bleak and biting but often disarmingl­y funny — one of a handful of new and forthcomin­g novels that uses satire and surrealism to pick apart common assumption­s about racial and cultural identity, and explores what it means to transgress those socially drawn boundaries.

Several of these new novels skewer the more subtle forms of bias that arise from racial blind spots and ignorance, or from a misguided desire to emulate or appropriat­e another culture.

Mithu Sanyal’s recently released novel, “Identitti,” satirizes debates about race and identity politics in academia. The plot centers on a South Asian doctoral student who is unmoored when she learns that her mentor — a prominent South Asian post-colonial and race studies professor — is not Indian but white. In her forthcomin­g novel, “Yellowface,” R.F. Kuang lampoons the lack of diversity in the publishing industry with a twisted story about a white writer who steals an unpublishe­d novel written by a recently deceased Asian American author and tries to pass it off as her own book.

In his new novel, “The Last White Man,” out on Aug. 2 from Riverhead Books, Mohsin Hamid uses a surreal premise to examine racial identity as a socially constructe­d fiction. Set in an unnamed country, it tells the story of a white man who wakes up one morning with dark skin, a mysterious condition that spreads throughout his town and forces people to confront their latent biases.

Hamid, born in Pakistan, came up with the premise more than 20 years ago, when he found himself being seen with suspicion for having “a Muslim name and brown skin” after 9/11. He returned to the story during the pandemic and found that approachin­g it through the lens of fantasy gave him more freedom to examine the artificial fault lines around race.

“Because I think that race is this imaginary thing,” he said in an interview, “if we start to intervene at the level of us imagining in the first place, there might be insights worth having.”

The new crop of satires about race reflects an ongoing debate about cultural appropriat­ion and the conflicts over whether and how novelists should write across racial and cultural boundaries.

Okparanta said she wanted to explore racism from an unfamiliar vantage point.

“As a Black person who has endured a lot of racism and microaggre­ssion, I wanted to understand how a well-meaning white person might still hurt you,” she said.

She first came up with the premise of “Harry Sylvester Bird” in 2016, when she was teaching creative writing at Columbia University and held a seminar on the ethics of writing fiction about other races and cultures.

A couple of years later, Okparanta was living in Lewisburg, a small town in Pennsylvan­ia, where she often felt out of place as a Black woman and an African immigrant. She found herself thinking about her old idea, and began wondering what it would look like for a Black writer to create a white character who is unaware of his own racial blind spots — an idea that felt even more potent in 2020, with rising political polarizati­on and social unrest.

“Harry Sylvester Bird” opens in Tanzania, when a teenage Harry, on a safari vacation with his boorish parents, is horrified by how they treat the African guides and staff. Back in Pennsylvan­ia, he decides he no longer wants to be white and starts identifyin­g as a Black man, and later moves to New York for college, where he begins the next phase of his metamorpho­sis. He attends meetings of Transracia­l-Anon, a therapy group for white

people seeking “racial reassignme­nt,” which will eventually culminate in modificati­ons to members’ hair and skin.

As Harry’s story unfolds, Okparanta paints a portrait of an alternate America with unsettling parallels to our own, a country divided by growing extremism and nationalis­m, and reeling from the pandemic and from the rise of a hardright white supremacis­t political movement called the Purists. His desire to shed his whiteness and be “an ally” sets him apart

from the blatant bigotry and hatred of the emboldened white nationalis­ts, yet Harry still makes unwittingl­y offensive comments about Black people. He fetishizes Black skin, and at one point, he marvels to his Nigerian girlfriend about “how people in Africa can be so happy with so little.”

Okparanta said she wanted to make

Harry exaggerate­d but not so cartoonish or unsympathe­tic that readers would dismiss his plight as farcical.

Okparanta said she

wouldn’t be surprised if some readers feel her satire goes too far. After all, she noted, when Voltaire published “Candide,” a coming-of-age adventure story that doubled as a vicious critique of the European power structures, “the French nobility did not enjoy it.”

“Being that it is a satire, it will be understood and digested differentl­y by different people in society,” Okparanta said. “Some groups might see the humor more readily than other groups.”

 ?? ALYSSA SCHUKAR/THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Chinelo Okparanta, who is seen May 10 in Maryland, wouldn’t be surprised if some readers feel her new satire, “Harry Sylvester Bird,” goes too far.
ALYSSA SCHUKAR/THE NEW YORK TIMES Chinelo Okparanta, who is seen May 10 in Maryland, wouldn’t be surprised if some readers feel her new satire, “Harry Sylvester Bird,” goes too far.

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