Hartford Courant (Sunday)

What to know about origins of Feb. Black History Month

- By Jesse J. Holland

Black History Month is considered one of the nation’s oldest organized history celebratio­ns, and has been recognized by U.S. presidents for decades through proclamati­ons and celebratio­ns.

Here is some informatio­n about the history of Black History Month.

Q: How did Black History Month start?


It was Carter G. Woodson, a founder of the Associatio­n for the Study of African American History, who first came up with the idea of the celebratio­n that became Black History Month.

Woodson, the son of recently freed Virginia slaves, who went on to earn a doctorate in history from Harvard, originally came up with the idea of Negro History Week to encourage Black Americans to become more interested in their own history and heritage.

Woodson worried that Black children were not being taught about their ancestors’ achievemen­ts in American schools in the early 1900s.

“If a race has no history, if it has no worthwhile tradition, it becomes a negligible factor in the thought of the world, and it stands in danger of being exterminat­ed,” Woodson said.

Q: Why is Black History Month in February?


Woodson chose February for Negro History Week because it had the birthdays of President Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. Lincoln was born

Feb. 12, and Douglass, a former slave who did not know his exact birthday, celebrated his Feb. 14.

Daryl Michael Scott, a Howard University history professor and former ASAAH president, said Woodson chose that week because Black Americans were already celebratin­g Lincoln’s and Douglass’ birthdays. With the help of Black newspapers, he promoted that week as a time to focus on African-American history as part of the celebratio­ns that were already ongoing.

The first Negro History Week was announced in February 1926.

“This was a community effort spearheade­d by Woodson that built on tradition, and built on Black institutio­nal life and structures to create a new celebratio­n that was a week long, and it took off like a rocket,” Scott said.

Q: Why the change from a week to a month?


Negro History Week was successful, but Woodson felt it needed more.

Woodson’s original idea for Negro History Week was for it to be a time for student showcases of the African American history they learned the rest of the year, not as the only week Black history would be discussed, said Daryl Michael Scott, a Howard University history professor.

Woodson later advocated for a Negro History Year, saying that during a school year “a subject that receives attention one week out of 36 will not mean much to anyone.”

Individual­ly several places, including West Virginia in the 1940s and Chicago in the 1960s, expanded the celebratio­n into Negro History Month.

The civil rights and Black Power movement advocated for an official shift from Black History Week to Black History Month, Scott said, and, in 1976, on the 50th anniversar­y of Negro History Week, the Associatio­n for the Study of African American History made the shift to Black History Month.

Q: When did it gain presidenti­al recognitio­n? A:

Every president since Gerald Ford through Joe Biden has issued a statement honoring the spirit of Black History Month.

Ford first honored Black History Week in 1975, calling the recognitio­n “most appropriat­e,” as the country developed “a healthy awareness on the part of all of us of achievemen­ts that have too long been obscured and unsung.”

In 1976, Ford issued the first Black History Month commemorat­ion, saying “we can seize the opportunit­y to honor the too-often neglected accomplish­ments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.”

President Jimmy Carter added in 1978 that the monthlong honor “provides for all Americans a chance to rejoice and express pride in a heritage that adds so much to our way of life.”

President Ronald Reagan said in 1981 that “understand­ing the history of Black Americans is a key to understand­ing the strength of our nation.”

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 ?? BRIAN STUKES/GETTY ?? Performers from The Dance Institute of Washington perform onstage Thursday during a kickoff event to celebrate Black History Month in the nation’s capital.
BRIAN STUKES/GETTY Performers from The Dance Institute of Washington perform onstage Thursday during a kickoff event to celebrate Black History Month in the nation’s capital.

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