Hartford Courant

Files reveal WikiLeaks’ workings

Emails, records reveal Assange’s struggle to stay free

- By Raphael Satter Asssociate­d Press

LONDON — Julian Assange had just pulled off one of the biggest scoops in journalist­ic history, splaying the innards of American diplomacy across the web.

But technology firms were cutting ties to his WikiLeaks website, cable news pundits were calling for his head and a Swedish sex crime case was threatenin­g to put him behind bars.

Caught in a vise, the Australian wrote to the Russian Consulate in London.

“I, Julian Assange, hereby grant full authority to my friend, Israel Shamir, to both drop off and collect my passport, in order to get a visa,” said the letter, which was obtained by The Associated Press.

The Nov. 30, 2010, missive is part of a much larger trove of WikiLeaks emails, chat logs, financial records, secretly recorded footage and other documents leaked to the AP. The files provide both an intimate look at the radical transparen­cy organizati­on and an early hint of Assange’s budding relationsh­ip with Moscow.

The ex-hacker’s links to the Kremlin would become increasing­ly salient before the 2016 U.S. presidenti­al election, when the FBI says Russia’s military intelligen­ce agency directly supplied WikiLeaks with stolen emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman and other Democratic figures.

In a statement posted to Twitter, WikiLeaks said Assange never applied for the visa or authored the letter, naming a former associate of his as the alleged source of the document. WikiLeaks did not return a follow-up email seeking clarificat­ion on whether Shamir applied on his behalf, or whether a lawyer or someone else at WikiLeaks might have drafted the letter. The Russian Embassy in London said it doesn’t discuss the personal details of visa applicants.

WikiLeaks has repeatedly been hit by unauthoriz­ed disclosure­s, but the tens of thousands of files obtained by the AP may be the biggest leak yet.

The AP has confirmed the authentici­ty of many of the documents by running them by five former WikiLeaks associates or by verifying non-public details such as bank accounts, telephone numbers or airline tickets.

One of the former associates, an ex-employee, identified two of the names that frequently appeared in the documents’ metadata, “Jessica Longley” and “Jim Evans Mowing,” as pseudonyms assigned to two WikiLeaks laptops.

All five former associates spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity, in some cases because they didn’t want their associatio­n with WikiLeaks to become public, and in others because they feared legal retaliatio­n or harassment from the group’s supporters.

Assange has always denied wrongdoing in the case, which he cast as a prelude to extraditio­n to the U.S. The Swedish prosecutio­n jeopardize­d what at the time was WikiLeaks’ biggest-ever disclosure: the publicatio­n of around 250,000 U.S. State Department cables. Swedish authoritie­s issued a warrant for his arrest Nov. 18, just 10 days before the cables exploded across the web, with bombshell revelation­s about drone strikes in Yemen, American spying at the U.N. and corruption across the Arab world.

Italy’s then-foreign min- ister, Franco Frattini, described the release as the “Sept. 11 of world diplomacy.” Enraged American politician­s demanded that Assange be treated like a terrorist.

Metadata suggests that it was on Nov. 29, the day after the release of the first batch of U.S. State Department files, that the letter to the Russian Consulate was drafted on the Jessica Longley computer.

The AP couldn’t confirm whether or when the message was actually delivered, but the choice of Israel Shamir as a go-between was significan­t. Assange’s involvemen­t with Shamir, a fringe intellectu­al who once said it was the duty of every Christian and Muslim to deny the Holocaust, would draw indignatio­n when it became public.

Shamir told the AP he was plagued by memory problems and couldn’t remember delivering As- sange’s l etter or say whether he eventually got the visa on Assange’s behalf.

“I can’t possibly exclude that it happened,” Shamir said in a telephone interview. “I have a very vague memory of those things.”

Shamir’s memory appeared sharper during a January 20, 2011, interview with Russian News Service radio — a Moscow-based station now known as Life Zvuk, or Life Sound. Shamir said he’d personally brokered a Russian visa for Assange, but that it had come too late to rescue him from the sex crimes investigat­ion.

Russia “would be one of those places where he and his organizati­on would be comfortabl­e operating,” Shamir explained. Asked if Assange had friends in the Kremlin, Shamir smiled and said: “Let’s hope that’s the case.”

Shamir often makes eyebrow-raising claims (in the same interview he said that the U.S. offered Assange $100 million not to publish the cables), but it was true that any visa for Assange would have been moot.

On Nov. 30, 2010 — the date on the letter — Interpol issued a Red Notice seeking Assange’s arrest, making any relocation to Russia virtually impossible. With legal bills mounting, Assange turned himself in on Dec. 7 and his staff’s focus turned to getting him out of jail. One WikiLeaks spreadshee­t listed names of potential supporters arrayed by wealth and influence; a second one titled “Get Out of Jail Free” tracked proposed bail donations and pledges for surety.

As they gathered money, Assange’s allies also plotted what to do once the WikiLeaks founder was released.

One document showed Guatemalan human rights lawyer Renata Avila floating the idea of jumping bail.

“I will advise him to seek asylum abroad: we already contacted the Ministry of Justice in Brazil, there is a possibilit­y to run out of the country in a Brazilian ship,” Avila told fellow WikiLeaks supporters in a memo. The document said Assange should “plan to escape and pay the bail money back to his supporters.”

Avila didn’t return repeated messages seeking comment. It’s not clear whether her idea went anywhere; former Brazilian Justice Minister Eduardo Cardozo, who was serving on then-President-elect Dilma Rousseff’s transition team at the time, told the AP that he’d never heard of an Assange asylum request.

Assange would eventually skip bail after exhausting his British legal campaign to block the Swedish extraditio­n effort, darting into the Ecuadorean Embassy on June 19, 2012.

Assange’s escape left many of his guarantors in the lurch.

 ?? SANG TAN/AP 2011 ?? WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange sought a Russian visa in 2010, according to a letter obtained by The Associated Press.
SANG TAN/AP 2011 WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange sought a Russian visa in 2010, according to a letter obtained by The Associated Press.

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