Hartford Courant

Wilson To Headline Greenwich Fundraiser At $10K Per Plate

- — Neil Vigdor

To his tea party brethren, it was a bold act of defiance.

But to those on the other side of the aisle — and those who preach decorum in the hyper-partisan political climate — GOP congressma­n Joe Wilson crossed the line when he shouted “you lie” in the middle of a 2009 speech by Barack Obama to Congress.

Now, for $10,000 per plate, Connecticu­t’s Republican rainmakers can have dinner with the controvers­ial lawmaker from South Carolina.

Wilson, who was admonished for his outburst by the House in a party-line vote, is one of three headliners of a Greenwich fundraiser Monday for the National

Republican Congressio­nal Committee.

The minimum price of admission to a cocktail reception with Wilson, along with Reps. Sean Duffy of Wisconsin and Ann Wagner of Missouri, is $1,000, according to invitation obtained by The Courant.

Dinner is $10,000 per plate. There is also a $35,000 maximum price tier, which includes dinner and membership in the NRCC chairman’s club.

“Holding onto the Republican majority in the House of Representa­tives is a priority for our party this year as it will make the difference between continuing the Republican agenda of economic growth, opportunit­y and prosperity for all Americans or being mired in a quagmire of impeachmen­t and resistance,” Leora Levy, a Republican National Committee member and organizer of the event, wrote in the invitation. Levy, a prolific fundraiser from Greenwich, is also the finance chair of Bob Stefanowsk­i’s gubernator­ial campaign.

Wilson’s outburst came during Obama’s address to a joint session of Congress about the signature piece of his domestic agenda — the Affordable Care Act.

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