Hartford Courant

Endorsemen­t: Jahana Hayes For 5th District


In the race to succeed Elizabeth Esty in Congress as the U.S. House representa­tive from the 5th District, voters have a choice between a Republican with experience in running one of Connecticu­t’s cities and a former teacher of the year who has not held elective office. Despite Democrat Jahana Hayes’ lack of political experience, we believe her unique perspectiv­e on the state’s problems, her passion for education and her smart plans for job growth make her a better representa­tive for the district than former Meriden Mayor Manny Santos.

We endorse Ms. Hayes.

Why Jahana Hayes?

Ms. Hayes offers a voice for teachers, students, women, people of color and others who often feel left out of the process (especially in these times). But her positions also align with most of the district’s voters, and her collaborat­ive style should serve her well in a Congress that badly needs it.

Not surprising­ly, Ms. Hayes — the national teacher of the year in 2016 — is a passionate educator. She speaks eloquently about the challenges facing students of all background­s in the public education system and believes federal resources should not be used to undercut public schools’ offerings.

“When we begin to chip away at the resources that fund our public education system, there’s no one to speak for those kids,” she told The Courant’s editorial board. We agree.

A Wolcott resident and native of Waterbury, she is familiar with the needs of precision manufactur­ing in the area — an industry that is “starving,” in her words, for qualified workers. To that end, she supports training for the high-tech manufactur­ing job openings that exist now, along with making that training happen at the high school level. It’s a smart, practical approach that would improve the economy and the state’s public schools.

Ms. Hayes takes a responsibl­e position on gun laws, supporting universal background checks and a federal assault weapons ban. But she advocates for gun safety, saying she believes in protecting people’s rights and their communitie­s. “It shouldn’t be one or the other,” she said.

Ms. Hayes grew up in a housing project in Waterbury, and her family struggled with what she describes as “the predictabl­e cycle of poverty.” She had her first child as a teenager, but she managed to work through the challenges, getting advanced degrees while raising a young family on her way to becoming a social studies teacher. She and her husband Milford, a Waterbury police detective, have four children.

Her background gives her a perspectiv­e on hard work, education and economic challenges that would benefit any representa­tive. She is eager to serve, and we believe she would complement the rest of Connecticu­t’s congressio­nal delegation and represent the 5th District well.

Why Not Manny Santos?

Manny Santos, a Marine Corps veteran, former mayor of Meriden and an immigrant from Portugal, shares a belief with Ms. Hayes that there should be a clear path to residency for immigrants. Beyond that, their priorities differ.

Mr. Santos declined an invitation to speak with The Courant’s editorial board, but his published statements suggest that his platform would not line up well with residents of a district who have voted Democratic in the last six congressio­nal races.

Mr. Santos’ plan for job growth relies on lower taxes for businesses, which he has said would allow for growth. He champions the Trump tax cuts, saying they are responsibl­e for the current economic recovery. We believe the jobs situation is more complicate­d, especially in precision manufactur­ing, where there are plenty of jobs available but not enough people trained to fill them.

On the issue of gun safety, Mr. Santos is opposed to “various proposed bans or further restrictio­ns on our Second Amendment,” according to his website. We believe, as Ms. Hayes does, that universal background checks and a federal assault weapons ban are fair, necessary and in line with the Second Amendment.

Ms. Hayes would bring a smart, highly informed and compassion­ate point of view to Congress that would make residents of the 5th District proud. We endorse her candidacy.

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