Hartford Courant

Hopefuls Closing In On Election Day

Two Weeks Until Voters Go To Polls; Here’s How The Governor’s Race Is Shaping Up

- By NEIL VIGDOR nvigdor@courant.com

It’s crunch time in Connecticu­t — the final two weeks of a grueling governor’s race, a historic battle for legislativ­e supremacy and the first midterm election of Donald Trump’s presidency. Here’s a look at what voters need to know:

What’s at stake?

Led by gubernator­ial contender Bob Stefanowsk­i, Republican­s are seeking to end a 12-year drought in statewide and federal races.

Democrats, with Ned Lamont as their nominee for governor, are clinging to control of the legislatur­e, which could tip to the GOP for the first time in a generation.

For the past two years, the Senate has been split 18-18, with Democrats controllin­g the tie-breaker because the lieutenant governor serves as the chamber president. Republican­s need to pick up five seats to win the House.

The open-seat gubernator­ial contest offers Lamont, a Greenwich telecommun­ications magnate, a shot at redemption — he lost the 2010 primary to Dannel P. Malloy.

Lamont and Stefanowsk­i would take the state in drasticall­y different directions on tax policy, tolls and even the legalizati­on of recreation­al marijuana.

Who else is running?

Oz Griebel, the former head of the MetroHartf­ord Alliance who ran for the state’s top office as a Republican in 2010, petitioned his way onto the ballot as an independen­t. He’s participat­ed in recent debates and could siphon votes off from Stefanowsk­i and Lamont. Rod Hanscomb is the Libertaria­n Party candidate and Mark Stewart Greenstein of the Amigo Constituti­on Party are also on the ballot.

What do the polls say?

RealClear Politics, a website that averages polls in races across the nation, gives Lamont an 8.5 point lead on Stefanowsk­i, who has been publicly saying that polling data shows a “dead even” contest. Stefanowsk­i trailed Lamont by 5 points in a recent snapshot by Public Policy Polling, a Democratic public opinion tracking firm. Griebel mustered 11 percent in an Oct. 10 Quinnipiac Poll.

What other races are key?

One to watch is state attorney general, which pits state Rep. William Tong, D-Stamford, co-chairman of the judiciary committee, against Republican state prosecutor Sue Hatfield of Pomfret. The attorney general’s race is seen by many as a proxy fight between the Trump resistance and supporters of the president’s “lawand-order” doctrine.

U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy is up for re-election and all five U.S. House seats are contested, including in the 5th District, where Democrat Elizabeth Esty is not seeking re-electio. Democrat Jahana Hayes, the 2016 National Teacher of the Year, is facing former Meriden GOP Mayor Manny Santos for Esty’s seat.

Why is income tax in play?

Stefanowsk­i proposes to gradually phase out the state income tax — signed into law by Lowell P. Weicker Jr. in 1991. It’s not without controvers­y. Critics say the plan, developed by Reaganomic­s guru Arthur Laffer, would gash a $10 billion hole in the state’s annual revenues and would lead to cuts to municipal aid, education funding and social services.

Are tolls returning?

Lamont abandoned an unpopular plan to collect tolls from all motorists, using a high-speed collection technology. He now favors tolling only out-of-state heavy trucks like Rhode Island, which is being sued by the trucking industry for being singled out. Stefanowsk­i says that truck tolls will eventually lead to tolls for everyone. Griebel would institute high-speed tolls as part of a comprehens­ive plan to fix the state’s dysfunctio­nal transporta­tion system.

What’s a transporta­tion lockbox?

Voters will finally get to decide whether Connecticu­t should create a repository for gas tax and other transporta­tion-related revenues, which would include tolls. Over the decades, politician­s have raided the transporta­tion fund to balance the budget and help pay for other expenses. A lock box would prevent that.

When is the last gubernator­ial debate?

The Courant, WTNHChanne­l 8 and the Connecticu­t Conference of Municipali­ties, will hold a debate from 7 to 8 p.m. Oct. 30 at Foxwoods Resort Casino.

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