Hartford Courant

Getting our money’s worth on health care


We should end the income-only means tests that government, insurance and provider bureaucrac­ies use to polarize us to determine who gets financial help for medical care and who does not. Why count income if expenses and real assets and loopholes are not counted? Getting good, affordable health care should not be contingent on knowing a good attorney.

Medical debts can deplete long-term savings, ruin credit and send people into bankruptcy. Why should we allow our health system to rake sick and dying people and their families over the coals?

No parent should be denied help for their children’s care. And no senior citizen — actually, nobody — should be prevented from obtaining the best medical care because of money. Just create the “NQA” medical plan: the No Questions Asked plan.

A nonprofit should administer our health care plan, which includes everyone and covers dental, vision, hearing and foot care — instead of multimilli­onaires and their unnecessar­y and expensive insurance and hospital bureaucrac­ies sucking up our scarce medical dollars for their CEOs and stockholde­rs.

No need to continue worrying over growing medical and prescripti­on bills. No more going without hearing aids or glasses or nursing care because the friends of those in Congress have to make money on the sick and dying.

Just retake control of our money. What a thought! A more humane approach is needed. One payer (the United States), more good care from higher-paid, more responsibl­e providers, much less bureaucrac­y, happy taxpayers and patients.

“Socialism!” some will cry. Nope, it is our money. We should end the profiteeri­ng and price-gouging of patients — and do something no government or insurance company seems able to do: negotiate better prices and better outcomes for the care we pay for.

Alan DiCara, Winsted

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