Hartford Courant

Hartford GOP backs McCauley

- Rebecca Lurye can be reached at rlurye@courant.com. By Rebecca Lurye

HARTFORD – J. Stan McCauley is a Hartford Democrat running as an independen­t in his third mayoral bid in 12 years — and in November, he’ll be leading the Republican ticket.

The Hartford Republican Town Committee voted Monday night to endorse McCauley for mayor. While McCauley is a registered Democrat, he didn’t seek the support of the Democratic Town Committee, which voted at its nominating convention Monday to endorse Mayor Luke Bronin over his sole challenger there, state Rep. Brandon McGee.

And this will be the second mayoral election McCauley is running with Republican­s in his corner.

In 2007, he was the party’s endorsed candidate against thenincumb­ent Mayor Eddie Perez, who is also running against Bronin this year

McCauley collected 720 votes, finishing in fourth place behind Perez, I. Charles Mathews and state Rep. Minnie Gonzalez.

At the time, McCauley was better known as “Pastor Stan,” having started an evangelica­l church in Hartford. He was the executive director of Hartford Public Access TV before starting his own publicacce­ss network, which carries Hartford school board meetings and long-form talk shows.

In 2010, McCauley ran as a Democrat against then-Mayor Pedro Segarra. In 2015, McCauley supported Bronin. Now he’s challengin­g Bronin in what he says will be his final mayoral campaign, unless he should win.

Ken Lerman, chairman of the Republican town committee, said the group was familiar with McCauley from past elections, and because his wife, Nyesha McCauley, is a former committee member.

But the endorsemen­t also came from shared values, particular­ly his fiscally conservati­ve views, and a desire to “reach across the aisle,” Lerman said.

McCauley, who was prepared to petition his way onto the ballot in the November election, said he expects to receive another minor party nomination.

“We have to move beyond party politics and do what’s best for the city irrespecti­ve of party,” McCauley said.

The Republican town committee also endorsed three council candidates: Ted Cannon, Gary Bazzano and Tamara Cunningham.

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